Surfing in Esterillos is all about the tide. There is a dramatic difference between high tide and low tide. The best surfing is 2 hours before high followed by the 2 hours after. The tide changes by about 50 minutes every day. Today it will be 1:35pm, tomorrow 2:20pm, so on and so on. The best surfing days are where you have an early morning high such as 6am and then 12 hours later another high at 6pm - double dippers.
Most of the people I meet in Esterillos are here for the surfing and as a result of a year and a half living here I have learned a lot. I remember times in my past standing on the pier in Pismo watching the surfers - at least I thought I was watching them. Now I realize I did see them, but I really didn't SEE them. Now when I watch someone surf I immediately notice if they are regular or goofy (depends on the leg you place your leash - the right is regular - which I am, on the left means goofy). I take note of the type of board, whether it is a longboard, shortboard, fish, whatever.
As of the 1st of May I have now lived in Costa Rica for 18 months - a year and a half. Compared to all I have seen, all I have done, the many people I have met I myself can hardly believe it has been this short amount of time.
When I meet new people who are visiting or passing thru, quite often I am asked what do I "DO" and do I get bored. I smile and tell then first of all I am never bored, trying to explain just what I "DO" is harder.
The thing that I "DO" is I meet people in a variety of ways. If I like them, within a very short period of time of having met them, I tell them about my love of photography and then offer to enhance their experience of being here by taking photos of them, add those photos to a huge library of photos I already have and then make a DVD which includes all those photos put to music. I do not charge anything to do this but the benefits and rewards I get in return are above and beyond explanation. Many of the people I have made DVD's for were here for less than a week, others longer. Some actually live here and upon those occasional returns to the states I have volunteered to do this so they could share where they now live with friends and families in the states. A few DVD's have been for my few friend who have actually taken me up on my constant invitations to come for a visit.
Yesterday morning as I was still in bed thinking it was way past time that I had last written, and thinking about all that has happened since the end of January, the last time I actually wrote. Then I started thinking about all the DVD's I have made and was wondering just how many had there been. At that moment I needed to know just how many there were. I fired up the computer and went zipping thru the current 5,000 photos I have in my photo library. This is not all the photos I have taken in the past year and a half, this is the 5,000 photos that have been selected, edited, cropped and saved out of thousands of photos - the ones that I simply cannot delete. I know this file very well and it really didn't take long to determine that since first landing in this amazing country with a computer I knew very little about, with practically no computer skills, I have made 51 - 51 different DVDs. I was absolutely shocked at the total.
So....who were these 51 people?? It all began with my friends Erin and MIke. Mike came to Costa Rica in October 2006. I had been here for a month. Instead of Erin, he brought his brother-in-law Jesse. They were here for about 5 days. They were staying in the cabina right next to mine when I lived with my friends Kurt and Kristy. In those 5 days I saw Jesse, who had never been to Costa Rica or hardly anywhere else for that matter, fall in love with Esterillos and just for that I wanted to give him something that he could take home and share with his family. The surprise and joy on his face when he saw what I had managed to pull together was all I needed and become the inspiration that has brought me to where I am - 51 DVD's later.
A few favorite subjects:
Randy my nephew from Florida - the first to come and visit me. November of that year was spent getting to know two men from England. Peter is gay and returned again this past Christmas. His friend John, whom he has known since grade school, came with him for his first time to Costa Rica. I had never met anyone from England that I actually got to know. Peter love for cooking and staying at Eleanor's house meant many an evening of dinner parties and vaudeville acts with song and dance provided by the two of them and forced participation by all who attended. I remain in regular e-mail contact with both of them.
Mike and Steve from Canada - also met in my first 3 months. 2 young surfers who came here for 5 weeks of surfing and on the 4th day here, Mike broke his ankle. About a week after that my friend Ray arrived from Santa Monica and with a rental car the 4 of us took a road trip and saw the 2 most visited tourist destinations in CR - Aernal Volcano and Manuel Antonio National Park. After those trips those 2 young men - ages 23 and 27 became very good friends of mine. Mike and I remained in contact until his return visit to Esterillos last December. He was the one who came with his friend Jules, Jules girlfriend Alysha, and then halfway thru their month long vacation here, Mike and Alysha hooked up. That was when the issue of the DVD became a problem because instead of doing one group DVD, I ended up doing 3 individual DVD's. December was a wild month. That was also the month I did a DVD for the 2 gay couples that in just a week and a half after spending time with them horseback riding and all of Christmas week, fell in love with all of them and of course wanted to give them this gift.
February last year, 2 young married couples, all in their late 20's. They adopted me and I them. Time spent with them at the waterfalls, beach and surf time. Thoralf and Apel - 2 young surfers from Germany staying here in Esterillos at a place called Cabina's Mary.
Side trip - Cabina's Mary is owned by Brett. Brett turned 40, 5 days after my birthday last year. He is from Houston Texas and lived near the high school I went to my freshman and sophomore year. Brett teaches surfing and is the one who gave me my first lesson. He rents out boards and makes repairs. Cabina Mary is sort of rustic but a surfer's dream. One large kitchen that is for communal. 4 bedrooms, one belonging to Brett - the others available for the affordable price of $8 per person/per night. As many as 6 can be in one room. The beer is always cold and quite often there is food on the grill. Brett and I have been friends from the first time we met and this is my favorite place to hang. A huge number of the DVD's I have made have gone to guests of Cabina's Mary.
So....back to Thoralf and Apel - guests at Cabina Mary. German, very handsome, in their early 30's. As I was looking at the CR map with Thoralf, he told me both he and Apel were leaving the next morning to go way south to Pavonnes - a famous surf spot known for being the longest left in the world. As I mentioned to him this was a place on my must see list, he immediately invited me to come with them. At first I was shocked that he would even consider this and then I realized he was absolutely serious. The best part was the offer was an offer out of the goodness of his heart - no intentions of anything - my God, I am over 20 years older and they still want me to go! Unfortunately I was committed to house sitting in the middle of that trip and had to say no but at that moment, Thoralf became very dear to my heart. When they arrived back in Esterillos 4 days later, I spent the time standing on the beach for several hours taking photos of him and Apel. DVD's were made for each of them and within a few days after their departure for home, I received heartfelt thank you e-mail from each of them. Since that time, both of them returned last November and then this last month Apel came for several weeks with his girlfriend. Of course they stayed at Brett's and of course I made a whole new DVD for them as a couple. Again, hours were spent with them on the beach, variety of surfing spots, evenings at Cabina's Mary telling stories - lots of laughter.
Mike and his 13 year old daughter from Utah, guests at Cabina's Mary. A surf trip to Boca Baranca - the 2nd longest left in the world. Photographing this young girl learning how to surf. Standing on the Tarcoles bridge with them counting crocodiles below us.
Chuck - Esterillos' local pot dealer, age 46, surfer since he was 7 years old, wavy long blond hair, great body - from Huntington Beach, CA. Knew everything about surfing and taught me a lot. After 3 years of living here returned to CA to return to a career with the merchant marines. I hear from him occasionally and never once does he send me an e-mail without thanking me for his DVD.
Adam from Seattle. My beautiful swedish friend Anna and I met Adam while staying in Montezuma at the tip of the Nicoya peninsula last June. He was here for 2 months of surfing. After surfing the same break for 5 days straight and seeing him everyday, we invited him to come visit us here in Esterillos. He took us up on the offer and ended up staying for 2 weeks. He was in charge of the fish b-b-q for my birthday party. Adam was 29, full of life and himself. So much fun to be with.
When Anna returned home to Vail, Colorado where she worked as a massage therapist, she wrote me and told me Blockbuster was having a hard time competing with the DVD I had made for her. I don't doubt it.
Rick and Rob from Miami. Both early 30's. They were staying at Kurt and Kristy's last December. I had met them a year ago in March when they were part of a group of 6 that I watched come flying out of the surf after Chuck yelled "Croc". They were here for only a week in December but in that very short time, I came to love both of them and once again spent hours on the beach taking surfing photos so they would each have something to share with friends and family back home. Rob and I still stay in touch.
Vince from California. He actually came to CR in February 2007 but did not arrive in Esterillos until last November. Vince was wild. Had a crazy sense of humor and could rap about anything, anyone right at that moment. He was 41 but claimed to be 14 - he was. He was passionate about motorcycles, skateboards, and surfing - all of which took your breath away to watch. He was not the most handsome man I have ever know, but charming - oh my gosh. When I offered to do him a DVD he asked if I would include photos he had taken with his camera since arriving here. Not exactly x-rated but at my count there were 22 beautiful women included with the many photos taken. His DVD was the longest one I have made so far - 15 minutes and with all those women that I included, if there was a Blockbuster here, they would have had a hard time competing with this one. There were several showings of that DVD before he left. When Vince left to return to CA before Christmas, his absence was felt by so many.
The Texas boys - by far my favorite. This is a group of friends that belong to Brett. Brett has known Andrew since 3rd grade and Mike since freshman in high school. Their lifelong bond sprang from surfing the gulf. When they come they, usually 4 other surfer friends, all from Texas also come. This group has known each other for many years and when they get together it is like being with a bunch of teenage boys. The first time I met them was at a super bowl party in 2007. The group was so big and so outgoing I was very intimidated. Within a day or two and several parties and surf sessions I came to know and love all of them. Most of them were here last July and then this past March, 7 of them arrived. At that time there was also another guy - Larry - staying at Brett's since November - here from Oregon for 6 months. The Texas boys were here for 10 days. The 2nd night they were at Brett's I stopped by to say hello, get caught up on things since the last visit, met the 2 new guys - both older brothers of Mike and Steve. And then just like the times before, there I am having dinner and playing Cadillac till late in the night. During that stay I spent one day with this group of 9 wild men fishing at of Quepos. Another day was spent taking photos as 3 of them helping Brett with a huge group surf lesson while the rest of this group sat and played on the beach. Another day was spend back in Quepos surfing. One morning I took the whole group - all 9 of them to breakfast at Margarita's. This was during the time when the pizotes were joining everyone for breakfast. It was hysterical watching all of them enjoying little Benji the male pizote who loved to get up on the table, get into the sugar, spill coffee and help you eat your eggs. After breakfast they all came up to my place and for a moment time stood still as I took a photo of this amazing group of men, whom all of them I love, so aware of how lucky I was to have them as my friends. Their DVD was very involved because I made sure I gave everyone equal time. I had good shots of everyone of them surfing and had the whole trip here covered. The morning they left, I delivered 9 DVD's with CDs that included photos that could be downloaded onto computers. The bond between this group is very strong. Brett has told me he has actually cried watching the DVD I made for all of them.
More than half of the DVD's I have made are related to surfing. It has become a passion - to get the perfect surf photo for whomever I am shooting for. Nothing makes me or them happier than when I catch that moment.
I have also made DVD's of some of my trips. The trip last year to Bocus Del Toro with Kate, Dave, Hans, Terri and John. I made a copy for everyone that made the story so much more fun to see and share. My first trip to Granada, Nicaragua with my friend Ann. Again - add music to photos and there is something fun to share with everyone. My romp in San Juan Del Sur in January. For making that trip unforgettable I made a DVD of San Juan and Adolpo - the very cute young Nica I spent 2 days practicing spanish and riding bicicletas with.
The DVD that I gave to my friend Cecilia for Christmas was a piece of work that took all year. Her mother is Margarita of Margarita's soda and her father is Moncho. Cecilia is 36 and was born in Esterillos. Her brother is Minior the fisherman I have spent a lot of time with checking lobster nets, fishing, etc. There are 5 brothers and 4 sisters in the family. There was another boy but when he was 4 years old he fell into a well on the property and drowned. Cecilia is the only one in this family that speaks english. Minior just a little and another sister learning. I love this family! On Christmas day as they enjoyed a traditional dinner together the DVD was shown. I was not there but was told many times after how much it was enjoyed and appreciated. No amount of money can be placed on this type of gift from them. I love them and they love me - it is just that simple.
Chad and Lisa from Connecticut with their 2 young boys and 2 older kids from a former marriage. They rented Kurt and Kristy's house for all of July. Fun times in the pool, dinner parties, road trips in the mountains to show them places off the beaten path. Sharing my secret spot where fossils can be found if you know where to look. Passing on my passion for sea glass to the older daughter.
These are just a few of the 51 I gave my time and attention to and in return received more than anyone can over know.
Whenever someone is leaving that I have just presented a DVD to, I am always sad to see them go. A connection has been made and for that short time they were here a new friendship was made. Many of these people have returned and some will never come back. Most I heard from upon their arrival home, some not a word since nor do I expect any. For them, the time here was what it was and for me it was a gift to be able to get to know them, enjoy the fun time we had and then say good-bye.
As I said - I always feel a little sad to say good-bye... but what I have finally learned is that tomorrow, maybe the next day or could be next week, there will be someone new. Someone else who will come into my life for a short period of time but in that time we have together, a bond will be created and each of us will forever be grateful for our crossed paths. Yesterday I met Noah - tomorrow morning I will be on the beach early snapping photos, hoping for that perfect surf shot.
When someone asks me what do I "DO" - I just smile. I tell them I enjoy getting to know people that are visiting and would be happy to show them or tell them anything they want to know about the area. By the time they do leave, they understand and know just what it is I "DO".
The tide comes in...the tide goes out.
May there be peace and harmony in your life. Breath in, breath out. Live each moment, it is all that we have. Be grateful for friends and loved ones. These are the things that in the end will matter most and the things you will forever be grateful for.
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