Happy New Year!!!!!! Can you believe it. ****2010***** Remember when everyone was worried about Y2K.......seems like yesterday!!
The holidays were an absolute whirl wind - Collecting and distributing toys to the kids all over town, parties, the 2nd annual EO (Esterillos Oeste) locals only surf tournament held between Christmas and New Year's was a huge success, more parties, Fred and Brigitte's annual New Year's Eve party. This year's theme - Blue Moon, any thing goes and it did........., fireworks almost every night for about 2 weeks, arrival of the Texas boys which always puts everything over the top, moooore parties, the 2nd annual New Year's Day surf photo which I dreamed up last year, was once again awesome. Surfing almost every day - great waves and a perfect 80 degrees water temp.
The Texas boys left last Wed, the 13th and it looked like things might slow down so instead of letting that happen - a road trip was planned. Actually, Larry - from Oregon who comes here each season for about 5 months and I needed to do the 90 day thing. Cailin and my beautiful 36 year old friend Jeni (Eleanor's daughter from Canada who has lived in Costa Rica off and on since she was 18) wanted to go also. Larry has a car so we took off for Panama. There are newly paved roads from here to there and we figured the trip to the border would take about 4 hours.
So off we went - cold beers, Jeni's i-pod blasting tunes. We left the car at the border in a secure place then took a taxi for the hour and a half ride to Boquete. The cost was $40 so $10 each - perfect. Boquete is in the mountains - None of us had ever been there before - friends were just there a few weeks ago and told us about great white water rafting and a horse tour thru a coffee plantation. We were all on board for all that. When we got there, we discovered there was a 10 day festival going on - ending this weekend. At first that sounded good until we discovered trying to find a place to stay was a challenge. Actually we lucked out and found a hostel, a bit eccentric but that's ok for $8 per person, right in the middle of town. There was only one room left with 2 twin beds. Cailin - my travel partner to Ecuador - and I have spent the last couple months sleeping together in a wide variety of places so this was just one more - we shared a twin bed - Jeni had the other. Larry was in another room with 2 guys from Germany. It was a fun evening until we got back to the hostel with expectations of sleeping............oh no, the music which was several blocks away was so loud it might as well have been in our room. This went on for hours................There was very little sleep that night.
So.......the next morning at breakfast we decided on a new plan.
I have a friend living in Panama - less than 2 hours away from where we where - who I had contacted before I left and asked if we could visit if we got the chance. He had told me absolutely.
Two years before coming to Costa Rica I was dating a guy named Brian who lived up the CA coast from me - about 30 minutes away. Next door to him was Juan who was living with his girlfriend. Juan is from South Africa. The first time I met him I was in awe as he has that S. African accent, is very handsome and extremely nice. I met him right after he had made his first trip to Panama.
His story is very interesting - he was born and raised in a small village in S. Africa. He was the first one to leave the village.....For a few years he led safari's in Africa and met a number of wealthy people. The most important person he met was an accountant for Hugh Hefner. About this same time he was very involved with political issues and found himself in a very dangerous situation. He was hired by Hefner to take care of the exotic animals on a ranch. (Ha) Here he met a ton of people and became a contractor for building homes. He built something for Van Halen and a wide variety of famous people. He was drinking a lot and living on the edge as you can imagine.
Then one day he cut off 4 fingers with a circular saw. They found 3 and had them attached. His pinky was gone.
It was at this point he realized he needed to do something else if he wanted to live. He wanted to go back to a simple life. I have no idea how he ended up with the girlfriend in Cayucos because Cayucos is a pretty small, low key beach town north of where I used to live which was the central coast of CA.
I have no idea how he came up with Panama but after several trips he began buying property.
He now lives on a large farm - over a hundred acres plus another farm that is connected that he shares with a partner - with a variety of animals who all love him. 3 amazing dogs, a few cats, a horse he does not ride just hangs with, a variety of cows that also love him. A scarlet macaw that just showed up one day about 6 mos ago and now comes for a visit every morning and every evening. You cannot touch him but he will eat peanuts out of your hand. He also has 2 families that live on the farm and help do the work. His goal is to become totally independent of the rest of the world. This does not mean he is anti-social for he is one of the most kind and wonderful men I have ever met - he is just done with all the bull shit.
This was the place I talked everyone into going to. This decision turned out to be one of the greatest things to have happen. Juan and I have been in contact since I last saw him on his farm 2 years ago. I tell him about my adventures - he sends me photos of the newest calf or puppy. We have become good friends because of our love for central america.
So, we all left Boquete on a Panamanian bus and headed for Volcan - which is a very small beautiful mountainous town in the central northern area of Panama - very close to Panama's largest volcano. The area is very rural with a lot of ranching and farming. By the way - this was my 5th trip to Panama - 3 times on the Caribbean side, this the 2nd trip to the Pacific. Panama is beautiful and way cheaper than CR. The currency is US dollars. I love Panama!!
We got there early afternoon and for that day, all the next and part of Sunday we all lived in harmony in this magical place - and I sincerely mean magical!! We played in a very cold pool in the river behind the house, hiked all over the property, Cailin and Jeni prepared an awesome meal from all the food that was collected in one morning, (Larry & I did the dishes) sipped rum and coke all afternoon while feeding the macaw peanuts, did yoga in the front yard. Played with the dogs, cows, etc. The first night we went to a dinner hosted at a restaurant that was owned by friends. Juan has a panamanian girlfriend - we all went dressed up. There was live music and when the group had finished for the night - Cailin took over and blew everyone away. We met another couple there - Spike and Wendy who fell in love when they were 18 and are now in their mid 60's. Spike is Panamanian as his father was helping to build the canal when he was born. Wendy is from Texas but she and Spike have lived most of their lives in Panama.
I could go on and on about this amazing trip - just 4 days, 4 very wonderful days - oh..........the bed. In Juan's spare bed room is a king size bed that must be made of feathers as it is one of those you just sink into topped off with a cozy comforter as the nights there are pretty cool - Jeni, Cailin and I - all three slept together like the 3 bears.
From Volcan, Jeni went on to Bocas del Toro on the Caribbean side and the rest of us returned to Oeste.
The holidays are now gone, no more Texas boys, most visitors have returned home - it is QUITE. Yesterday morning there were only 4 people out surfing - me, Brett, Larry and a guy from Wisconsin.........This morning - same thing - me and Brett, two other guys. I actually took a nap yesterday - when things slowed down I realized I was exhausted!!!
For such a small town - things are constantly happening here. The 2nd annual EO Mardi Gras is scheduled for Feb. 13th. We had a "krewe sirena" meeting Tuesday evening. We've all had a few days to catch our breath, however, by this weekend I predict this quite period will be over. Oh, just remembered, there is a surf tournament in a small town about 15 miles down the coast - Bandera. Soda Mary Surf Team has been asked to help - which means, do all the set up, judging, and everything associated with that event. I being a dedicated member of the SMST will be on board for what ever. This will by 4th surf event I have been actively involved with - I love it.
Happy New Year to all of you. When I write these long messages I seriously think of each and every one of you.
Some of you have homes here, some of you have come for a visit, some will probably never come......but please know I love you, I so wish I could have you here with me. I am thankful for every single day I have here. So........if you have not been to EO - consider a trip this year. I would love nothing more than to show you this amazing, beautiful paradise named Esterillos Oeste.
One more thing......I forgot to mention our new bowling alley. It is one lane - we only have one ball. It is located at El Vago's - one of the bars on the beach. This is also the area we use for yoga Mon and Thursday mornings. The lane is concrete with a few pot holes that just add to the challenge. The back drop and pins are made from bamboo. Like all small towns we have our very own eclectic group of drunks and crack heads that hang in this particular area. At first they had no idea what was going on. Now some of them are getting pretty good. We've actually had a few strikes.
Happy New Year!
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