Friday, September 14, 2012


William is a young tico I have known since the first time I came to Esterillos back in Sept. 2006 (that's 6 years this month :)

At that time I was staying in one of Kurt and Kristy Raihn's cabinas up on Canada Hill.  From where I lived, the walk down the hill to the beach took about 5 minutes.  On the way, I would pass a gate that advertised "Horse tours" .  By the 2nd week I was there, I had the scoop on the tour - the cost was $25.  It took awhile to make arrangements as everything was in spanish but once I got a day and time I was good to go.  It was a Thursday morning at 9 am - I know this now because that would be my regular day and time to ride, more times than I can remember in that first 3 months I was there.

My first day when I arrived at the stable, there was one tico and 2 horses.  Adrian looked about 18!  He could not speak a word of English and all I knew was "Hola".  Despite all that, in the next few months, we got to know each other very well, and spend a lot of time riding the beaches.  It may have been my 4th tour when I went to the stables and a different young man was there.  I had seen him before, but had not ridden with him.  It was William - the son of the fisherman Minor.  William was 17 and actually understood a little English.    On that first day with William he asked me if I wanted to ride en la playa o los montanas.  The mountains??? I had not ridden in the mountains and was so excited to do a different ride.  Once William realized I could keep up with him - the party was on.  We would race thru the jungle, jumping steams, running up the hills.  William was a ton of fun and we became very good friends from that time on. 

William now works for Elizabeth taking care of her 6 horses which are kept in the hills around Esterillos and whatever else she may need.   William and his girlfriend live in El's smaller house on her property here in Esterillos.  He is loyal and devoted to  her and is one of the most kind and willing to help young men I have ever known.  Not only does he do all this but he is a very good surfer, often is the captain of his father's boat taking fishermen out fishing, he is a builder of furniture, and just this last season planted and harvested a crop of sandias (watermelon).  He has worked with his older brother who is a welder and builder.  I believe William can do anything!

So yesterday.....Elizabeth often sends me an e-mail as she is on her way from Jaco to Esterillos to check on the horses and go for a ride.  When I got the message - timing was perfect and I was at her house in about 20 minutes.  The photos are from the ride.  There other young tico is Francisco.  He is a worker of Aaron's who owns the property Elizabeth has her horses on.  If we ride in the late afternoon, Francisco is available to ride with us and so it was yesterday.  All 4 of us enjoying each others company on a beautiful ride in the hills.  

The first 5 photos are of William in his younger years.  The one of him holding the horses was taken back in 2006 when we first started riding together.  It has been fun and interesting watch him grow all these years from a teenager into the amazing responsible young man he is now.  I love you William!

Pura Vida

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