Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pool Day

Wednesdays have now turned into "Pool Day" -  I know...a very clever title.

Mike and Martha, former residents of EO who returned to Galveston about 2 years ago, are here for a few months watching Fred and Bri's beautiful house until they return from British Colombia mid October.  Mike and Martha lived in Esterillos for several years until they became a "casualty" of all the s**t that was going on at the time.  Of all the people I have ever known here, they did more for this community than any other person/s I have ever known.  They were the ones who came up with the idea of "Mardi Gras" - They contributed time and effort and who knows just how much $$ to make sure the 2 years of that event where awesome.  Mike would and will still do anything for anyone.  He loved the youth of this town and could often be seen teaching a child how to toss a yo-yo, he gave several of the younger boys boxing lessons, he taught anyone who wanted to participate how to play baseball on the soccer field.  He was one of the main players in building the 2 life guard stands and just this morning he was once again with a paint brush in hand re-painting the only remaining life guard tower.  He and Martha organized several chili cookoffs, tried to help the owners of the bar "LowTide" stay afloat until it was shut down, built the one and only ever bowling lane - one lane - Esterillos ever or will probably ever see.  The one and only Mardi Gras Bowling Tournament will always be a favorite of all who participated on that one amazing evening.  Their house was always open to visitors and was the scene for a number of poker parties, etc, etc.  Recently when I need help painting the "bus stop" at the end of the road near the beach, I asked Mike to help me as I knew he would genuinely be happy to do so.  When asked to help, they simply could not say no. And despite all this.......because of the cruelty of certain people, they made the decision to give up on their dream of living in Costa Rica and returned to their home town of Galveston, Texas.

That is not where I wanted to take this blog but when it comes to this couple, I am a bit resentful of the way they were treated in the past that made them leave.  No one in this community has ever done more than they and I seriously doubt anyone will ever be able to take their place.

Ok.......take a deep breath.  Back to "Pool Day".  Having Mike and Martha here is like having best friends return for a visit and that is exactly what this is.  Because they are now in one of the most beautiful houses in EO, and they are right HERE, it is only natural that those of us who love them want to spend time with them. And so....somehow or another, Wednesday afternoons got set aside for anyone who wants to come and hang out around the pool.  We were coming early afternoon but have now changed the time to 11ish because it seems to be getting cooler by 1.

Yesterday it was me, Desirae, Melissa, Susan, Gry and of course Martha.  I am not sure who came up with the idea - think it was Melissa - but at one point we were practicing synchronized swimming :) Food, drinks, its always a ton of fun!

Mike & Martha - I simply love you and am so grateful you jumped at the opportunity to stay in the house until it's family returns mid October.

Pura Vida

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