Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Gift of Friendship

July 2nd was my birthday and while enjoying a yummy breakfast with some of the lovely women of EO, Kristi gave me her brand new business card regarding her brand new massage business.

You know how time goes by and had it not been Kristi reminding me of this card several times, I would have just let it go - even tho getting a massage is in my top 5 most favorite things :)

Anyway - Tuesday was the day.  Kristi has been a massage therapist for less than a year but what I received from her was comparable to the best I have ever received.  She was professional, the setting - magical.  Kristi and her husband live in a house right here in Esterillos.  It is there she has built a beautiful setting for her table.  Her backyard is Cabo Caletas, a development that has been put on hold until the financial world turns around, but for now - there is just the peaceful sounds of nature and the jungle.  About mid way the wind picked up and I could hear the shear curtains flying around me.

The whole experience was wonderful and special.  Thank you so very much my friend :)

Pura Vida 

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