Thursday, September 20, 2012

Six Years Later.......

It is a very common question - "How was it you came to Costa Rica and especially - Esterillos Oeste?"

I have told this story more times than I can count and even to this very day I am amazed that I actually live here.

It was 6 years ago yesterday I arrived in San Jose with my suitcases and my Costa Rica Lonely Planet Book in hand that I had just read on the flight over.  One of the most happiest moments of my life was the driver who was holding a sign with my name that immediately flashed me a huge smile as he scooped up by bags and off we went in his car - that would be my rental car for the next week.  No one had come with me and I knew no one here.

In July of 2006 I had been working for a number of years as a court room clerk for a criminal trial judge in Santa Maria, California.  I had been privileged for having lived on the beautiful central coast in a small town named Arroyo Grande.  I had lived in the same house for 25 years, had been married and raised a family of 3 sons.  For several years I had been living alone, divorced, my sons gone, the same wonderful friends and work for many years.  Something happened - my season changed and I wanted something different in my life.  I really didn't know what was calling, but was willing to just put it all out there.

My initial plan was to rent my house out, move my dog and horse and all my belongings to Durango, Colorado.  I had grown up in Montana and missed the mountains.  On trips back and forth to New Mexico during the years my mother had Alzheimer's, I fell in love with Colorado and that was what I focused on.  I had no idea what I would do for employment but figured I would work that out when I got there......

Once I made the decision to take an early retirement and rent my house, I realized I would have enough money to get me by until I found a job and got settled.  I have no idea how this occurred but somewhere in all that I decided to go live on a tropical beach for awhile.   I had no idea where - knew it would not be Hawaii or Mexico.  Considered the Caribbean, did research on Belize....a few other places.  As it turned out I had a co-worker in the clerk's office who was building a house in Costa Rica with her husband - my wonderful friends Mike and Erin Fink.  I had lunch with Erin and by the end of that meal knew I was going to Costa Rica.  The house they were building was right here in Esterillos Oeste.  They hooked me up with their good friends Kurt and Kristy Raihn, who were from Santa Barbara but had been living here for almost 2 years with their 2 teenage daughters.  It was their beautiful home on the hill overlooking the ocean I arrived at on the afternoon of Sept 19, 2006 and nothing.......nothing more wonderful and amazing could ever have happened to me.

In the past 6 years I have meet amazing friends from all over the world.  I have done things I never dreamed of.  I have lived a life of freedom and adventure.  I am very aware of just how lucky I am and am very, very grateful for this gift I have been given in my life.  My life is very simple but sweet.  I do not have a car, just a bicycle, no phone.

Amazingly I took no photos the day I arrived.  It wasn't until the next morning I walked down the hill to the beach and for the first time saw La Sirena.  The tide was low and that very morning I walked out on the reef by myself - no one was on the beach as I stood there in awe of a figure I would have a very intense passion for since that very day.

This one photo is the only photo I still have from that day.  When I returned to CA before my 90 day visa expired, on the bus to the airport I had my backpack with my camera, computer, etc stolen.  As upsetting as that was, within a short period of time, as I stood there watching the bus leave me in front of the airport, I was overwhelmed by all that had happened to me - the new friends, the sights, the smells, the food, the everything that had then changed my life for ever.....and in that moment - I was OK!

Six years later I am still in awe.  Costa Rica is very beautiful.  Not a single day has gone by that something has not happened that made me pause, consider how lucky I am.  I have no idea why I was given this gift but I am truly grateful!  Having said that, for me - the tide is shifting once more.  Since Christmas I have known it was time for a change.  In May I announced my brand new house I built last year is now up for sale.  Because of the economy, who knows when that will happen....but it eventually will.  In the meantime, there are way worse things than waiting for the sale of my home in a small little beach town on the tropical coast of Costa Rica :)

Note: La Sirena was beautiful and perfect on this lovely first day I saw her.  She was bright and shiny with just a few cracks.  Now.....she is very damaged, missing parts, very sad looking.  About 2 weeks ago I was out there by myself.  I occasionally just go and sit at the base.  Once in awhile I feel like her, not quite as shiny as I used to be, my cracks are becoming more noticeable as the days go by.  Nothing lasts forever, neither La Sirena or me - but as long as I live, I will continue to do my best, help others when I can, be grateful for all I have - especially my wonderful sons and the amazing friends I have.

Thank You Costa Rica for this totally unexpected gift you gave me.  I will forever be thankful!!!

Pura Vida

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