Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Silly Crazy Fun

Yes.....I can walk on water :)

Have you ever had one of those days where you find yourself in a mix of friends you know but really don't hang with - are invited to join this group in an adventure to a favorite waterfall and by the end of the day have had one of those totally unexpected over the top awesome days where every time you think about laugh out loud because it was much fun!

Sunday I got an e-mail from Melisa asking if I wanted to go to the waterfalls Monday - after surfing.  This was a no brainer - of course I wanted to go.

Got up early - did go surfing or at least tried.  I managed to get 2 waves but spent most of the time just sitting on my board watching everyone else.  Afterwards hurried home, showered and packed for the waterfalls. Melisa, Robby - his wife Gry, and another friend Scott arrived at my house right on time and off we went.

Tres Piscinas (Three Pools) is one of my most favorite waterfalls in Costa Rica.  It takes about 45 minutes to drive to the private farm the waterfall is on.  The hike across ranch land which is very muddy this time of year takes another 20 minutes.  Along the way we saw the often seen squirrel monkeys, could hear the falls long before we got there.

When we arrived - we were the only ones there for about the first half hour.  After that another couple and guy showed up.  I really have no idea just how long we were there but from the very start it was all about having fun and a super great time we had.  The photos tell the story - no further words needed :)

Pura Vida

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