Thursday, August 2, 2012

3 New Friends

Last Sunday, Sunny invited me, Kealy and Desirae over to her house for dinner.  She rents a beautiful house in the hills of Hermosa overlooking the ocean.  On the way we picked up another friend of hers' - Jessica.

So.....Who are the new friends?  That would be Harley, a 4 month old Great Dane puppy - Yoda, an amazing hairless cat - and Pig, a Boston Terrier who loves everyone!

While Sunny cooked, we all played with the kids :)  How can one not love a goofy, uncoordinated huge puppy, a hairless cat that thinks he rules the world - and he does..... plus Pig who just wants to love, love, love the whole wide world.

I can't remember when I was this happy - just silly happy in the presence of these amazing animals.  On top of that - Jessica had brought her new rescued dog - Luna who was very, very sweet.

Now having said all this - you can see from my photos I am a little bit bias - I only have photos of Harley and Yoda while Pig and Luna are just in one group photo.  Bad me because they are all truly wonderful!

Thanks Sunny for a wonderful evening.  The fish tacos were the best ever.........but your kids are what truly made the evening.  Thank you so much for having us over!!!

Pura Vida

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