Sunday, August 12, 2012


A wonderful man passed away this past week.  His name was Jimmy and he was my friend!

When I came to Esterillos back in Sept 2006, Jimmy was one of the very first people I met.  He was sitting at Brett's whom I had just met a few days before when I had attended a birthday dinner at Brett's Soda Mary with my hosts Kurt and Kristy Raihn.

Jimmy was one of the most kind, gentle persons I have ever known.  He could talk for hours about travels with his family as a child, the endless books of all kinds he had read, surfing - his passion and just in general his thoughts and opinions on any subject one could come up with.  He was very intelligent but only spoke when spoken to.  I never once heard him complain or critisize anyone or anything.  He was simply a good, good man.

Jimmy died from colon cancer.  Because he was such a very private person, no one knew until it was too late. When it was obvious he was very sick, he was taken to a hosptial, then another.  Surgery was done in San Jose where a large part of the colon was removed.  It was there determined he was in stage 4 of the cancer.  His son was here from the states and managed to get both of them back home to Texas.  Within a few days, Jimmy passed away but in the presence of his loving family.

Yesterday evening the memorial services were held by his family in Texas.  Those of us who knew him here in Esterillos also held our own service.  At 5 pm - the same time as the service in Texas,  a small group of about a dozen friends gathered on the beach with the rain coming down, lightening and thunder approaching.  Several people had strewn flowers on the beach.  We all gathered in a circle on the edge of the incoming tide and each person took a moment to say something about our friend.  The rain came down and the sea was swirling around our feet.  Each person shared their thoughts - there was laughter and there was tears.

Afterwards, 7 of us chose to do a paddle out.  The sea was rocking and rolling - not very conducive to this mission but we were determined.  Me, Brett, Cam, Erik, Kristi, Aaron, & Rick went for it.  I knew it would be a challenge for me but soon realized this was hard for all of us.  The waves were very choppy - coming from all directions but despite that - we managed to get far enough out and in that very short moment we managed to line up, all facing the horizon, holding hands and give tribute to our Jimmy.  I - will - never - ever - forget - this - moment!

Farewell my dear sweet, gentle friend.....Jimmy!

The photos attached came from 3 different friends.  My longest, sweetest friend in Costa Rica - Kate Treadway.  My friend Denise who is one of the most amazing women I know - a successful business woman and a mother of 2 amazing sons.  Melissa - her photography "MC" speaks for itself - a young woman with unlimited talent and compassion.  Thank you girls for allowing me to share these photos :)

Pura Vida

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