Friday, August 3, 2012


My Best Friend Forever.......that would be my wonderful Desirae!

She is the one who created the new look for this blog but she has done way more for me than this - altho I am seriously happy about the new look :)

Desirae came here from Houston, TX in Feb. 2010 with her husband Kealy.  She is so sweet, willing to help anyone do anything, is very, very smart with computers, cameras, anything related to electronics.  In my book - she is totally amazing and my number one IT girl!

Des is very easy to get to know!   She makes everyone she meets feel very comfortable - like she has been your friend forever - however - it wasn't until Dec. 2010 that she and I began to hang.  At that time she wanted to go visit her mother who was visiting friends in Guatamala.  Kealy did not want her to travel alone and when she asked me to go with could I refuse.  What followed was a 3 day bus ride to Guatemala - 6 days on a 42 ft. sailboat that was moored on the Rio Dulce - another 3 days back to CR.   A trip neither of us will ever forget.  We had a ton of fun then and the fun still continues to roll.

She is the one person, in all the years I have been in EO, that I have spent the most time with.  Whatever I may need help with, she is right there.  I know I can depend on her for anything - she knows the same about me.  Altho Des is young enough to be a daughter, our relationship is that of truly great friends.

I simply love her and am beyond grateful for this amazing friendship we share.

Thank YOU mi amiga for just being YOU.

Pura Vida

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