Friday, August 31, 2012

Mission Accomplished

Last March I was sitting at the bus stop by the ocean.  In the almost 6 years I have lived here in Esterillos, I have never actually seen this location used as a bus stop but apparently it was once upon a time.  It is a local landmark and the very first thing you see when you come to the end of the road into Esterillos.

Anyway, as I was sitting on the bench, there was also a tico family sitting there.  They had a small child, a girl about 3 years old.  When the child attempted to crawl up on the bench she scraped her stomach on a rusty piece of rebar that was plainly sticking out.  In fact, most of the beach side of the cement bench was falling apart and one had to be very careful as to where you sat.  Of course, the child immediately began crying - the scrap drew blood but was not serious.

About a week later I was at this same spot and this time really checked the bus stop out.  The tin roof was literally falling apart... rust, holes, my guess..... this would not survive another rainy season.  It was then I decided to do something about this.  Within a matter of minutes I decided to hire a local tico, not ask for any other help or even tell anyone.  Then I realized I would need help with the spanish and asked my friend Mike, who runs the small restaurant very close to this spot, to please be my interpreter and help me with the decisions as to what was needed.  The very next day Mike and I had a little meeting with Chele.  The next day, Chele showed us a list with the actually price of the materials needed.  Mike checked it out, went over a few things with Chele.  I went home to get money, and that afternoon the materials were delivered.  Chele told me it would take 3 days to complete - and in 3 days it was done except for a few minor things like the sign and painting the roof.

Because the roof is made of tin I was told it had to be exposed to the sun for several months before it could be painted with anti-rust paint.  Day before yesterday, Mike Overton and Brett volunteered to do this for me and wha-la..... the project is now complete.  Just one small thing I could do for a special little beach town that has given me so much to be grateful for.

Pura Vida

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