Monday, August 6, 2012

Caballos nuevos de Elizabeth

Last week Elizabeth told me she wanted to buy two new horses, but a blood test had to be done to make sure there were no potential health issues common in Costa Rica.  The tests came back on Friday indicating no illness or disease and plans were made to have them delivered today.

Horses in Costa Rica are way different from horses I have known in the states.  For one thing, I think they are just smarter or at least they have more common sense.  Todays horse delivery was very typical of what I have seen at horse events, etc.  They do not arrive in fancy covered horse trailers but instead open trucks - sometimes it is a very small truck with flimsy railing and the horse's head looking ahead over the top of cab. When I see this, I have to admit this makes me very nervous and I can't wait till the car I am in passes...........

The truck that brought today's horses was big and actually looked very safe.  I have never seen a ramp that was provided for the horses to walk out on - instead the truck is backed up to the the side of a hill and when the doors open the horse has to carefully walk or often......jumps!

Tonka and Carmelo arrived this afternoon from a small town up the coast between EO and Jaco.  They are 8 and 10 years old.  To me they look similar to American Quarter horses but here in Costa Rica......neither I nor Elizabeth knows what they are.  However, what they are is kind, well mannered, and not.... freaked out!!

We were going to go for a ride but one of them had hit the top of his hoof when he got off the truck.  El decided to clean the wound and not take him.  This allowed me to just follow her out onto the beach - which is across the street from her house and take these photos.

We were gone 20 minutes max - didn't want to stress anyone out but this one seemed just fine.  When we got back Elizabeth dealt with a skin issue by putting on a sulfur mix.  The issues horses have to deal with in the tropics are many.  There are tics, there are snakes, there are all sorts of skin irritations.  There is heat and then there is rain.  Life can be very difficult for those who are not properly taken care of.  These two have hit the lottery as Elizabeth is above and beyond conscientious.  She loves all her animals and they are a priority in her life.

Tonka and Carmelo - I look forward to getting to know you :)

Pura Vida

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