Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wave Forecast: GIANT!

Late morning, I stopped by Brett's Surf Pad to get an idea of just what is going on out there.  I had seen the beach earlier and everything looked flooded. Apparently the waves were so large at 4 am - the water crossed the roads and enter houses further down the beach.

Brett's forecast on his new tide board read "GIANT"  Knowing high tide this afternoon was set for 4:22 pm I could hardly wait for the time to pass so I could be there.

Sure enough - the ocean was still pissed.  With a huge swell, full moon and high tide the show was just what I had expected - Dramatic & Mesmerizing :) Fortunately no one was sitting on my bench so I was up front, center stage.  Within a few minutes of arriving my Canadian friend Alain showed up and then another great friend - Karen.  The 3 of us sat there in awe...........Another friend, 16 year old Brayan joined us for awhile - He is one of my most favorite local ticos - we both share a love for horses :)

Several times the waves came up on the embankment and we had to raise up our feet.  Twice the water reach the road.  So much fun!!!!!

There is no way a photo can capture this moment.  For me just sitting in the presence of something so powerful, in an amazing  spot I have sat more times than I can count, I am truly grateful for the gift of Esterillos with all it's beauty and the amazing friends I have met here.

Pura Vida

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