Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Week in the Life Of..........

The week before I left for Panama, my nephew Randy from Tampa Florida arrived on Thursday, July 12th and would be leaving the following Thursday, the 19th. He had come here to take surf lessons and celebrate his birthday.  The same day he arrived my new friend Judy's daughter Caitlin also arrived from Denver. Anna had already been here a few days prior and would be leaving the day before Randy.  This is so how it goes here in EO.  They come, they go and during that time here..... we pack in as much fun as possible!!!  In this one week, Randy took his lesson, we all hiked, we ate, we made new friends, we drank, we cleaned the beach, we danced, we partied, we surfed, celebrated the birthday, danced some more, and above all.....laughed - A lot!

Having to go to Panama - to have to leave CR for at least 3 days is often like having to take a vacation from my vacation.

I know.........I can see the eyes rolling but someone's gotta do it :)

Pura Vida

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