Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Birthday

Yesterday was the day.  Traditionally in the past I have been the one to plan my day - usually something I seldom get to do but an activity that would make the day special - skydiving, white water rafting, a special horse ride or tour, kayaking, dinner with friends.  I learned a long time ago to not depend on family or friends to make your day special if you wanted it to be.

So yesterday...... Days before I had considered my options.  There are not many people in town right now and with the number of years starting to stack up....I sorta lost my incentive.  The afternoon before, my friend Kristi sent me an e-mail me what I was planning.  I told her no plans....so my dear friend made a suggestion.  A long beach walk in the morning - breakfast at her place.  This put me in the birthday spirit so I asked if I could invite a few other people and instead of her dealing with breakfast just meet at Hotel La Sirena and that is what we did.  My new friend Judy from Vail ( I have only known her a week) went on the walk - Desirae joined us for breakfast.

My friend Elizabeth had also contacted me asking if she could meet me for lunch.  I told her I wouldn't want to eat but would be very happy to just see her and her daughter the beautiful Emma.  They have been in Holland for the past month - we needed to get caught up.

Several amazing things happened yesterday.  On the beach walk I found a rock in the shape of a heart.  It was a wonderful gift that reminded me to simply love. On the return walk from Punta Mala - Kristi, Judy and I ran into Eric with his new puppy Nonie - about the cutest puppy ever!  Now I want one!!  Just before we got to the hotel we saw other new friends that I just met this week also - Billy and Kristen from Charleston.  In the 5 days they were here in EO I spent time with them eating dinner, taking surf photos, took them to a waterfall.  Friends of Heyward - now friends of mine - they were leaving right after their surf session.

Following breakfast I got home in time to be there when Elizabeth arrived.  One of her horses was bit by a snake and so we had to go check on Indio.  The bite was 3 days prior and the horse is lucky to be alive.  Fortunately one of the farm workers saw the horse and called El.  She managed to get the anti venom injection and a vet to the horse that same afternoon.  I am including a photo of the snake the workers actually found that Elizabeth took while she was there with the vet.  A poisonous snake they were fortunate to find and kill.

For dinner I went to my most favorite restaurant here in EO - Almendros - Karen's place with Judy.  As we were leaving, I notice the very full moon shining above us - amazing since we are into rainy season.  I told Judy we were going to the beach.

Tonight is actually the full moon but last night it was spectacular.  Super low tide, scattered clouds, the moon tucking in and out of the shadows.  Walking on the beach under those circumstances was one of the most beautiful, dramatic full moon evenings I have ever seen.  There was one cloud that was huge!  It appeared to cut the sky in half - vertically.  As the cloud moved in front of the moon it looked like it was swallowing the moon.  Once the mood disappeared the edges of the cloud were lit up like gold (not silver) linings.  Then........we saw lightening bolts in the dark cloud itself.  Unbelievable!!!!!  It was truly wonderful and breathtaking.

When I got home, finally having time to check e-mail etc, I was blown away by over 90 FaceBook friends sending me birthday wishes.  My middle son sent me a photo of him and his girlfriend on the beach with a msg written in the sand, other friends and family with kind words.

The day I was not excited about, hard to believe I am this fricking old......really didn't want to deal with - turned out to be simple but oh so sweet.  I was truly touched by so many friends and family.  This one day turned out to be very special - one I will long remember and treasure.

Thank you to all my family and friends who made this a very special day!

Pura Vida

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