Thursday, July 5, 2012

The 4th of July

No fireworks......but Fun, Food and Friends.

Of course Costa Rica does not celebrate the 4th.  There are however places like Jaco that do have fireworks due to the number of gringos that live there.  Jaco is about 20 minutes up the coast.  It always sounds like fun, but I have never made it there for this holiday.

Instead, my day started out like many others......just another walk down my beautiful beach.

My friend Dan had invited me to his place for a party in honor of the 4th. Dan lives in Esterillos Centro - about a 5 minute drive from where I live.  I had asked if I could bring my new friend Judy and of course he said yes.  Other friends were there, the food was amazing!!

Thank you Dan for a ton of fun afternoon :)

Pura Vida

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