Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All Systems Go

Not only have Dieter and I been dealing with obstacles related to just figuring out exactly what was the best method to use to fix her, tide schedules, the awesome sculptor who often changes his mind as to what needs to be done and what he wants to do, finding the proper materials in a country that does have a lot but seemingly not what we need......, etc, etc. - having reliable help has been touch and go.  In the beginning we had William, the son of Mainor the fisherman, who is awesome - was always there on time.  However, since May, William now works on Saturdays and each time Dieter came to Esterillos -it was a challenge to find someone else to help him - until now.  Now...we have Flaco!

I have known Flaco for many years but until recently, for the past 2 years he was living somewhere else.  Well now...he is back in Esterillos.  Like all of us...Flaco has had his own challenges but for now, he is here, he is on it and he is thrilled to be part of the team.  He is on time and he wants to help do whatever is needed.  

Saturday was the first time Flaco was with Dieter.  The two of them hit it off and I am beyond happy to have someone I know I can count on.

Photos are from Saturday.  Unfortunately my battery died before we were done.  We were on the reef for 2 hours and in that time a number of people ventured out to see what was up.  While the guys were working - I was taking photos for the visitors. Everyone wants to know the story and on this particular day - it was just a ton of fun being there.  

With a proven plan, the amazing Dieter who has been with me since the beginning and now Flaco.....for the first time I feel relieved and confident things are moving along as best as possible with the 2 best guys who will get this done.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Q said...

Hi Pat,

This is such a great initiative - there are a number of other mermaid statues that need this kind of care and attention.

I would love to feature some of your photos on my website - - and in a large book I am writing on mermaid statues around the world.

Would you contact me at
