Thursday, August 29, 2013

Recent Visitors

Another pizote hanging out on the wall and......a Blue Crowned Motmot.  

You may or many not know, but Costa Rica (According to both Lonely Planet and Fodor's) has more species of birds than any other country in the whole wide world - seriously!! Altho the mammals in Costa Rica might be elusive, you can be guaranteed you will see plenty of birds.  When I wake up in the morning it is always to the sound of tropical music provided by the local nature - unless it is pouring rain, but I love that also.  For at least 30 minutes joy fills the air starting about 5:30 am.  My windows are always open and this is how I begin the day.

I have seen a motmot before but not in my own backyard.  I was heading out back when I saw it sitting on the chair.  I carefully walked back into my room and grabbed the camera.  Got a quick shot before it flew up to the trees behind my wall. There it sat for quiet awhile just watching me take photos of it.  

With my own photos I have included one from the internet that shows just how amazing this bird is.  It's tail feathers is what makes it extra special.  The other very cool thing about this bird is its' cry - sounds very much like an owl.  

Enjoy :)

Pura Vida

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