Sunday, August 11, 2013

Esterillos Centro

Every once in awhile I wake up and decide I need to go visit my friend Dan, who lives on the beach in Esterillos Centro.  Dan is my favorite fishing partner and we have known each other for at least 6 years.  Friday was one of those mornings.  I don't go very often but so far I have lucked out in that everytime I make the trek on my bicycle, riding the always on guard, occasionally hair raising highway - I manage to make it there and back without being killed!  This is not a joke - I am serious!! Semi's, buses, local drivers have very little regard for pedestrians or bicyclists. I remember one time just recently had I put my hand out when a simi passed -it would have taken my arm off!

Hangin with Dan is always entertaining.  Within moments he has me laughing hard with all the latest adventures he finds himself in.  While we were visiting, his neighbors Janine and Pat came over - then Steven and Chandra.  Everyone had a funny story to share and that is how it went.  As I was getting ready to leave, Steven tells us he has spotted a sloth in the tree next to the house - Pat and Janine's back yard.  Sure enough - there it was about 30 feet up.

Besides Dan there is another reason I love to ride to Centro.  Once I leave his house, I ride thru the very short beach front road headed south until I get to the estuary.  Every time I do this - I am the only person there, it is quiet and peaceful.  It is actually one of my most favorite local spots here on the coast.  

On Friday I had a treat - horses!  Loose horses on the beach is one of my most favorite subjects to photograph.  

Check out the photos.  The photos of Dan and I are from several years back on 2 different fishing trips...obviously :)  While Dan was getting me some coffee I took the photo of his front yard looking out at the ocean - he obviously has it tough!!  The "blob" in the tree is actually the sloth. The remaining photos are of the estuary and the simple beauty of this awesome morning.

Pura Vida

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