Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New Friends

Meet Janine and Pat - they are from Ohio and presently rent a house in Centro right next door to my fisherman buddy Dan - who is also from......Ohio - funny coincident.  They did not know each other until Janine and Pat rented the house.

This couple is pretty amazing.  They are one of those daring couples who just made the decision they wanted something more in their lives - sold everything they had in Ohio,  said adios to their adult children, bought a new truck - packed it with everything they wanted and headed south - drove all the way here to Esterillos.  For the time being they are living in a small house right on the beach.  They will be here for 2 months, then plan to move down the coast - maybe Dominical, maybe Panama.  They want to explore different areas and countries until they find a place they both want to settle.

I personally think this is very, very cool!

I actually met them on the beach a couple weeks ago but was re-introduced to them by Dan.  We exchanged e-mail addresses and then had dinner one night last week.  This photo was taken Monday morning on a beach walk to Punta Mala.  

It seems like many baby boomers are retiring and on the go - looking for more in their lives.  I give this couple a lot of credit for leaving their comfort zone and taking a huge leap of faith in their desire to just see what more there is to life.  I wish them the best of luck and look forward to following their story and seeing just where they land.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

katemeri said...

Yay - more Buckeyes in Esterillos!