Thursday, August 29, 2013


A few day ago a very good friend of mine died.  Her name was Mamados and she was one of the best dog friends I have ever had.  

I first met Mamados back in 2006.  Apparently 2 years prior she had just showed up at the home of Fred and Bri.  She was thin..had a puppy with her that didn't make it.  At that time, Brigitte had another dog named Mama.  When this mama showed up she became Mamados - Mama number 2.

In the summer of 2007 I had the privilege of being the caretaker of Fred and Bri's house during the 5 months they are back in British Colombia.  During that time -it was just me and Mamados.  We bonded on our many walks on the beach, she slept in my room at night, just the fact that we lived together all that time.....sealed the deal.  

As the years have gone by there have been times when I have been house sitting and once again it is just me and her.  I knew her - she knew me......and we truly loved each other.

All dogs go to Heaven.  I am not sure I will make it there......but my guess is that is where my Mamados is - being the little bitch she was, in control of everything but a huge heart of gold for those she care about.  I was one of the lucky ones :)

Pura Vida

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