Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Morning Walk On The Beach

For those of you who may have been with me for the past couple years, have seen all of these places more than once but for me.....I make this walk often and to is never the same regardless of how it looks.  This is the walk to Punta Mala that I have done more times than I can count but love it each and every time.  

One of the many things I love about the rainy season is that because of the storms and high tides, there are many places on our usually dark beach that are now covered with small broken shell that from a distance, makes the beach look white.  I came to Costa Rica from the central coast of California.  I lived there for 30 years and the beaches there are a beautiful golden color.  I don't recall even seeing such a dark beach like EO until I arrived here back in 2006. is all beautiful but today with all the shells, it was extra nice.  

The color of the dog was just as it appears here.  I have never seen her before....she did have a very worn collar however it looked like she had been dipped in a red dye.....seriously.  Before I headed back, a young guy coming back from Punta Mala passed  me and she turned around and followed him.  Strange.

Enjoy the walk :)

Pura Vida

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