Friday, June 14, 2013

Vet Assistant??....That Would be ME

I am pretty sure I have written about this before, but can't remember when.... I will try to make this brief.

Back in 2007, my friend Elizabeth asked me to cover for her as an assistant to a Veterinarian in Jaco while she returned to Holland to visit her family for 3 weeks.  I of course said yes.  I thought I would be walking dogs and cleaning cages, really had no idea just what I would be doing. 

Back then, the clinic belonged to a non profit organization that was established to help with the spay and neuter of cats and dogs, assist injured and abandoned animals, provide low cost vet care for pet owners.  

On my first day - I took the bus into Jaco and knew I would be there most of the day.  Sure enough I was immediately shown how to walk the injured dogs and clean cages.  By noon I had helped Dr. Victor with an x-ray and had assisted him with all the animals that had been brought in that day  By the end of the 2nd morning - I was in gloves... cutting stitches, sopping blood, giving injections.  And that is how it went.......from 0 to 60 in a split second!

For the next 3 weeks, I did everything from clean kennels to help with whatever was necessary.  I assisted the doctor with each and every animal that came in the door.  By the end of the day I would go back home on the bus.......collapse in bed, get up the next morning with a smile on my face and get back on the bus with no idea what the day would bring.

When El got back - 3 weeks later - I stayed and continued doing all that I had been doing while she was gone.  There were days we saw tragic cases - a beloved young Rottweiler hit by a car that had to be put down,  there were the starving/ abandoned dogs we did all we could until all that was left was to put them asleep, the many kittens and puppies that needed all those shots, the parrot that had licked some type of cleaning fluid that needed to be examined and given "something" so he would be ok.  

There were days I simply could not believe I was doing this.  It was all so interesting and fulfilling to me.  Then.....I returned to CA for 2 weeks.  When I got back I was informed the clinic had been sold to 2 private vets and they did not want either Elizabeth or myself.  They had their own trained staff and that.......was that.

Fast forward now to March of this year.  My friend Elizabeth now owns this clinic - long story - no need to go there.  Bottom line, as of March she now had to hire a new staff and a new doctor - all of this she did while in her 8th month of pregnancy. In the middle of getting re-established, Milan was born and Elizabeth worked her ass off to get the clinic ready to open.  By the end of April, they were up and running.  

So.....where am I going with all this.  Well.....Elizabeth now has a new doctor, receptionist and vet assistant.  William (Mainor's son is the assistant in training) He and his girlfriend had their first baby the middle of May and while he was out during that time....Elizabeth asked me to come and help the doctor.  I was thrilled!!!!

Even tho a lot of time has passed - it was like going home.  I like the new doctor, I was thrilled to be there.  Then.....on the 2nd morning - I was bit by a dog.  At first it didn't seem to be a big deal - a puncture on the top and bottom of my right index finger.  William was at work the next day and by the time they would have needed me again, the finger was very infected.  In fact, I ended being on antibiotics not just one, but twice.  The infection is now gone and I am ready to get back to work - probably next week!  I will only be going in once or twice a week to give William more time with his new family.  I am grateful for this opportunity and looking forward to being back in the clinic.

These few photos were taken on that last day.  Emma is Elizabeth's 2 year old and now the proud sister of baby Milan.  She goes to daycare until 5 when Elizabeth picks her up and brings her back to the clinic until we can all leave.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and looking forward to whatever may come my way in the vet clinic :)

Pura Vida

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