Friday, June 14, 2013

Sit Down and Get Comfortable........

Today is going to be a major blog day.  I was doing pretty well the first part of May and then things just started piling up.  On May 10th Adam's friends from San Diego arrived and in the next 2 weeks I would see them coming and going.  Then I started working at Elizabeth's vet clinic to cover for the doctor's assistance who just had a baby with his girlfriend - that lasted until I got bit by a dog.  Then another friend of Adam's showed up - Jeremy from where I used to live - also a friend of my son Scott's.  In between all this was outings with my own friends, a trip to see Karen's horse Shadow on the way to Kate Treadway's birthday party.  Then came Adam's birthday. you can see - alot to cover.  Fortunately a photo says a thousands words.  I think that will be todays' Strategy - get it done and move on. 

Pura Vida

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