Friday, June 14, 2013

The San Diego Crew

Sometime back in early May, Adam had 4 different friends - all nurses - from San Diego come here to Costa Rica for their first time ever.  I may be getting this wrong but I think Adam knows Christian from college in San Diego.  Christian came here by himself, currently works the night shift in ER in Scripps outside San Diego.  About the same time Dave, also a nurse, knows Adam from time spent in the Navy, came with two other nurses - girls he knows from working night shifts at a hospital in San Diego.  All I really know is one day, I had a house full of amazing young people who wanted to have fun in Costa Rica. I suggested Tres Piscinas and off we went.  

A day or so after that all of them headed for Arenal Volcano.   When they got back I was laughing hysterical at their stories of hot spring resort adventures!  Another day or so here, they were on the road again.  This time, way south to Mato Palo - a very remote, truly magical place they would call home for the next 5...or so days.  I am including photos they took on both of these awesome adventures.

Adam, Christian, Dave, Jenny and Natassia - The time spent with this special crazy group of friends was priceless! At times they had me laughing so hard......good thing we were at a waterfall where one could just pee.........I will never, ever forget the look on Christian's face in that moment we both saw Natassia flying out of control on the rock "slide" into the waterfalls. OMG - Over the top insane!! - Or Monkey see, Monkey do on the hanging branch - So funny!

Thank all of you for filling my home with abundant love and laughter.  The time was short but seriously one of my most favorite groups ever to come to EO that I had the pleasure of spending time with!!!

Pura Vida

Note:  I just now downloaded all the photos.  When I had them in my file they of course were all in order of events.  Blogger does this quiet often - totally re-arranges the photo order and forever I have painfully taken the time to get them in the correct order.  Tonight....I'v got about 6 more blogs to go.  Tres Piscinas is the waterfalls, underwater photos are at the hot springs, the guys walking on the beach is here in EO, the rest were taken in Mato Palo, except the girls with the LOVE hanging - that was taken at casa de Brigitte. *!^$#$*& Bloggerrrrrr

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