Friday, June 14, 2013


Jeremy is another friend of both my son Scott and Adam's from the central coast of CA where we all came from.   When I saw him standing in my living room, the morning after Adam had met him at the airport in the middle of the night I faintly remembered him.  In fact, I can't quiet put my finger on it as to just where I last saw him.....but I did recognize him.  My guess is if I could have seen a photo of him taken when he was about 14, he would still look very much the same as he does now :)

Jeremy - amazingly - was here for only 6 days and 2 of those days were spent traveling.  I was amazed he went to all the trouble and expense for such a short time.  I quickly became very attached to him and am so grateful he came. I believe he is thankful he came also!

The photos just about cover it.  Jeremy - next time needs to be much, much longer!!!!!!

Pura Vida

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