Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nacional de Surf de Costa Rica

This past weekend, Esterillos Oeste was the host for the 7th of 8 tournaments to determine who qualifies to be on Costa Rica's National Surf team.  They add up the best 6 results out of the 8 tournaments to determine a champion and just who will be on the next international team. 

The tournament began early Saturday morning and ended mid afternoon on Sunday.  The waves were big but.....very disorganized.....sloppy.

I would like to say I spent a lot of time there, but I did not.  I would also like to say I took advantage of this awesome photo op but did not do that either.  However, despite all that, when I went there (literally 5 minutes from my house) I was shocked to see how many people where there, sponsors and tents all over the place.

On Sunday, I was there twice but again, instead of taking photos of the surf, I spent all my time just talking to people :)

Here is what I got......

Pura Vida

Our local mascot -Tyson


The winner...And he knows it - Jairo Perez

Our own - Danny Bishko

Jo and Shawn 

Danny - 4th Place

The Future......

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