Saturday, June 29, 2013

In Search of Zoe

About 2 months ago someone stole Denise's son Danny's beloved dog Zoe - a young, beautiful American Staffordshire Terrier.  Because Danny lives and works in San Jose, Zoe lived here in EO with Denise.  For weeks now, Denise has posted flyers, FaceBook entries, whatever she could do to get the information out re the loss of this beloved pet.  A considerable reward for her return has been advertised but to-date, no Zoe.

On Tuesday Denise, who owns the Super Sol Grocery store, received a call from one of her suppliers indicating he thought he had seen the dog somewhere near Dominical - about an hour down the coast.  Early that morning, I got a message from her asking if I wanted to go with her to check out the dog.  Of course, I did!

On the way, we stopped at a coffee cafe in Quepos to have breakfast.  While we were there the man who had seen the dog sent a photo of the same dog he thought was Zoe.  After Denise checked out the photo she determined, unfortunately, it was not her.

Since there was no longer a reason to go to Dominical, we ended up staying at the cafe for about an hour and 1/2 talking, eating,  As we were getting ready to leave, Denise asked me if there was anyplace I wanted to go.  I asked her if she had ever been to the small public park near the marina that was established about 5 years ago.  She had no idea what I was talking about so off we went.

The photos were taken in the park - each of us with the amazing Sophie, Denise's golden retriever female that is about 8 months old that had been brought with us.   She is so sweet, fun to have around........I want her!!!

For those of you are reading this, please send out vibes to the mean people who have Zoe.  May they see how much she is loved and return her to her home and family.  For those of us who love dogs, you know - there is no other love like that of a devoted dog.  They will love you no matter what, they could care less how you look or what you do.  When you leave them locked up in your house all day, as soon as you open the door they are over the top happy to see you.  They exist to please and be there for you.  Zoe is one such dog, loved by so many.  May she be returned to the family she also misses and loves.

Pura Vida

Denise and Sophie

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nacional de Surf de Costa Rica

This past weekend, Esterillos Oeste was the host for the 7th of 8 tournaments to determine who qualifies to be on Costa Rica's National Surf team.  They add up the best 6 results out of the 8 tournaments to determine a champion and just who will be on the next international team. 

The tournament began early Saturday morning and ended mid afternoon on Sunday.  The waves were big but.....very disorganized.....sloppy.

I would like to say I spent a lot of time there, but I did not.  I would also like to say I took advantage of this awesome photo op but did not do that either.  However, despite all that, when I went there (literally 5 minutes from my house) I was shocked to see how many people where there, sponsors and tents all over the place.

On Sunday, I was there twice but again, instead of taking photos of the surf, I spent all my time just talking to people :)

Here is what I got......

Pura Vida

Our local mascot -Tyson


The winner...And he knows it - Jairo Perez

Our own - Danny Bishko

Jo and Shawn 

Danny - 4th Place

The Future......