Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wedding celebration for Kattia & Max

About 2 months ago I briefly wrote about Max - the Nicaraguan who had been in a fight with a local tico that ended when Max stabbed the other man - not with a knife - the small blade on the end of a fingernail clipper I was told...not sure as I did not see it. a result of this, legal action was taken and Max was given probation.  Max has been living with a local tica for over a year now and just to make things easier and so he could get residency here in Costa Rica - a wedding was decided on.  Yesterday was that day.

When I heard about the wedding I asked if there would be a celebration.  I was told nothing was planned.  I know both Kattia and Max.  They are good hard working people.  I simply made the comment "that's too bad....there should be some sort of celebration for their wedding" and then...before I knew it...I was asked to help organize the party.

The party was organized and yesterday was the day.  It was fun, it was lovely and a good time had by all.

Felicidades Max y Kattia!

1 comment:

Koorrt said...

Looks like it was a good time. I am so happy for Max and Kattia. Both are very great people. Hey, I see my wife in some of those pictures. Wish I was there.
