Several weeks ago I sent out another mini novel re my 4th year in Costa Rica and the happenings of just that week. Amongst a lot of happenings I told about my adventures riding my tico bicycle across town thru the mud and pouring rain. Well.......not much has changed since then - still a lot of rain most nights, however, the mornings and early afternoons are beautiful. At that time the thing I was most concerned about is the usual......crocodiles....snakes are on my list also but not right now.
Well, sure enough.....Last Sunday we got hit by a huge storm. It began early in the afternoon. LowTide has been shut down for a variety of reasons but on this afternoon, the tarp holding a ton of water came down and took other beams, etc with it. I was sitting across the street at El Vago hoping the rain would let up. It did not - it just got worse and as the evening wore on it was obvious it was not going to stop. Until then I had become accustom to my usual ride home in the rain. Because this is the tropics the rain is not cold - usually - but this evening - it was cold - probably about 70 degrees :) I decided to head out and as I was packing up - Steve Chance - the owner of El Vago told me he would take me home - I told him it was not a problem - he insisted and I happily gave in. Jr. put my bike in the back and all 3 of us headed out. Immediately it was apparent this was not just a rain storm - this was a huge tropical storm. It was pouring water everywhere. As we turned to go down the long dirt road that is under construction with the placing of underground drainage, it was very muddy, lots of water. About mid way there were horses in the road. Steve was driving very slow and both of us where paying attention as to where the horses were going. As we were passing thru the small herd, Steven in the back says "Look out Dad !!!!" Immediately our attention was drawn to the other half of the road - which we were now about 6 feet in front of - a huge hole full of water. At first glance you would have thought it was just a large puddle but the fact was it was about 4 feet deep by about 8 feet wide. Thank you Steven for being on it. In the 2 minutes it took for me to get out of the truck and Steven to get the bike on the porch - we were both soaked.
The next day or so my good friend Kate posts photos of a small crocodile - about 4 feet long - Andres and Cody had caught out on the road right by the restaurant - the dirt road with the huge hole that I ride on everyday - the restaurant I always pass. The next morning they carried it down to the estuary - the one I ride along side of everyday - and turned it loose.
So........fears have been confirmed and I have now seen photos of what I truly need to watch out for - altho - where is the mother and father??? I hate crocodiles!
This morning when I woke up the sky was blue - no rain last night - maybe????....NO, it is still October - traditionally the rainiest month of the year. But for today - it is absolutely beautiful - I am out the door.
The following crocodile photos are the ones taken by Kate. The others on the beach were 2 evenings ago before the rain came. I love the rainy season. I also included photos of Dave setting fire to a burn pile and their freaked out dogs, a photo of the borrowed beach cruiser, Low Tide before and after the damage, beach debri from the storm, my new and improved bicicleta under the trees the macaws were trying to hit me with the almendra seeds, Kealy showing off his pink wax........art work???
Pura Vida
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