Thursday, October 21, 2010

Birthday breakfast - Sunset ride

2 evenings ago I decided to head out and do a quick bike ride just for exercise before the rain started. As I got to the end of the dirt road that is still under construction with a new water line, here came Martha on her ATV. She asked me what I was doing, told her I was out for a ride and she told me to head up to her house for dinner. She was on her way to pick up Kate as Dave was on his way to Bocas Del Toro for the 90 day thing. I seldom turn down a meal and so I peddled me way out to her house which is in the Hills development up by the highway. Mike and Martha are from Galveston. According to her husband they have been in love since they were 17. Since I fall into this category now, I can't disclose just how long that has been but let's just say the total years are one year longer than when I was 17.....does that make sense??? Anyway - a long time. I really lucked out when I showed up at the house. She had homemade meatloaf, real mashed potatoes, a pasta salad, garlic bread, corn......and even brownies for dessert. This was truly the best meal I have had in a very, very long time - seriously! Anyway - during dinner there was a brief discussion about an up-coming birthday - Martha's. Without thinking I just invited her to breakfast at LaSirena since this is my most favorite b-day gift to give. Then I invited Kate and then I saw Mike - he had that he was invited also. I then decided to just invite everyone and that's what happened.

Yesterday was the day and what a fun time we had. I got to the beach hotel early, told them what was comin and then went around the yard and picked amapola so each of the girls could have a flower in their hair. A good time was had by all.

Then.......I got an e-mail from Julia asking if Karen and I would like to go for a ride - that evening. Karen was going and since she is my transportation.....I was all over that. Karen picked me up about 2ish and after a few errands in Parrita arrived at Julia's about 3ish. The ride was simply perfect and spectacular. I had ridden my horse "Chief" just once before - actually about 3 weeks ago - most of the ride was in the rain but still fun. This particular evening was perfect - you can feel the change in the weather coming - dry season is around the corner and then the breathtaking sunsets start happening. On this particular beach, they usually do see the sun set as it faces south west instead of straight south like Esterillos. Check out the photos......there is nothing more I can add to this. more thing - not about the horse ride. After dinner the other night, I still had my bike and even tho it is a short distance back into town, twice in the past 4 years I have seen big snakes on this stretch of road, plus people you may not want to run into in the night, etc, etc. Martha offered to give me a ride home but then I would have to walk back out or get a ride the next day so I told her I would just follow her on the ATV when she took Kate home. It turned out it was better for me to be in the front with the lights of the ATV lightening my way. This road is a mess, jungle on both sides, a true adventure at night - I was so glad I had my bike and did not miss out on this kind of fun!! Above all that......I was extremely happy I did not run over a snake! Pura Vida!!!!!!

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