Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coralillo.....Does it Again!!!

The plan was to get up early - head over to Brett's and hook up with him, Les and Vago - then go check out Playa Blanco for surfing.  The morning was beautiful and on my bike I went to do a quick surf check before going to the Soda - as in Soda Mary - Brett's place.  On the way - there was Kealy and the 4 Daytona guys piling huge boards onto a rental - that was "fully insured" they chanted.  Kealy told me they were going to Coralillo - the break I caught my best way ever........about a month ago.  In a split second my plan changed and off I was with them - picking up Rick, from Colorado along the way.  What changed also was I decided to play photographer today instead of surfing as none of these guys - other than Kealy - had ever been there before and 3 of them were paddle boarders which I was compelled to photo.  Kealy rode with Rick so I had a full hour to get to know the guys.  They are here because of another couple - Willy and Michele who own a condo here and come for several months at a time - usually Dec - March.  They also know Rick and Ginny who also own a condo in the same complex.  Anyway - all of them are either connected to the sheriff's or fire department in Daytona.  One just recently retired..  All very interesting and been either surfing or paddle boarding for years.  Awesome guys.

This was the first time I had ever been to Coralillo when Brett did not go.  He is the one who usually makes the arrangements and deals with Capitan Edgar. Well, Edgar was there but he was not the one taking us out.  I know Edgar, he is a great captain - always on it.  A couple times ago we were in a big swell and Brett didn't get to the boat fast enough before the wave got to us, so.... we left him to get out of the way and then came back to pick him up.  Edgar is the man and I trust him with my life!  This new guy I did not know and this was who I would be spending the next several hours with while the guys were in the water.

In short.....turns out this was an epic day.  Clean sets, over head waves.  I was kinda glad I had a good reason to be on the boat even tho I know I could handle it by staying on the outside.  On the boat I still wanted to be on the outside but close enough to get photos.  I told the capitan where I wanted to be and when we got there - he dropped an anchor - something Edgar never does.  Then the guy cleans out the area where the boards where stored on the way out, climbs in and goes to sleep.  I have been in situations where I am trying to sit on my surf board way on the outside to avoid on coming huge waves and just when you think you are safe- here comes a rouge wave.  So here I am, stuck on a boat, close to big waves, the Capitan... is asleep.  In short, there was only one time - maybe two - I was actually concerned, but..... geezzzzz - it's hard taking photos of a huge set while keeping the other eye on your own situation.  The guys had an awesome day and amazingly......Scott told us in the car later, this was his best day surfing ever.....ever!!!!!!! and.... it's not like he is a beginner - he has been at this for a number of years.  Just for going and taking photos I was treated to lunch at our usual Coralillo stop - Tico, Tico - great food.....Super great day!  Tomorrow I am taking them to Margarita's for breakfast and then we are off to Quepos for another hopefully epic day of surfing.  Pura Vida!!!!!!

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