I am now caught up on bringing my blog up to date. I was thrilled when I realized I could go back and download all my former e-mail and place them on this blog. Finally.........I am now ready to go from here.
What happened is - I am now living in a house I own myself here in Costa Rica. I bought it about 2 years ago after I sold my house in CA. I bought it strictly as an investment as I had no plans of living here. This house is in the village I live in but is in a small gated community development that looks very much like track housing. For the past 35 years of my life, my homes have been in places I truly loved. My house in CA was a small spanish style house on 2 1/2 acres - covered with beautiful oak trees - on the central coast of CA. It was like living in a park. Since living here in Costa Rica, I have been in cabinas - on the beach with the waves right outside my door or, on the hill - with a constant breeze and a beautiful view of the ocean. I have had the best of the best here in Esterillos.
Last March my renters moved - rather I had them move as they had not paid the rent for 3 months. Shortly after they left I made the decision to sell the house. Some where in period I had a total transformation and decided I wanted to build another house in the same development once this house sold. This decision was totally shocking even to me as I never once considered living here until I realized the benefits. This development is about as safe as safe can get. The developer Israel lives here on the property and stands behind his work. I have a lot of trust and respect for him. So, long story short, in order to save money from rent, I moved into this house the week before I went to Peru and will ride this out until the house is sold so I can build another one. Why build a different house? This house does not have a back yard. That area has an extension of the house built. It has a roof, tile, another bathroom and even has a jacuzzi. I want a yard so I can have a dog. In short - I am going to a whole lot of trouble and money just to have a dog. A dog that will belong to me and as we all know no one, nothing can love you like a dog.
When I got back from Peru the middle of August I was in shock once I realized just where I was living. My own house in track housing and not only that - a major construction zone. There only construction going on in this development is right here - all around me. Two houses on one side, an addition on the other house next to me. Another house next to my neighbor, one more huge one across the street from that. Monday thru Friday, 6 am sharp until 5 pm, there are no less than 30 construction workers - all men - on all sides of me.
The first week I was here I was in serious shock. I didn't want to be here and most of the day I was not. I did my usual life - coming and going, surfing, whatever was going on with newcomers, the ones who come and go, visiting the ones who live here full time. And then the rain began. Not all day every day, but certainly ever evening and nights. I got accustomed to being in my house. I got used to sleeping in a room that was all closed in, locked at night with air conditioning. Other than a child living in Texas with my grandparents......I have never in my life lived with air conditioning.
More days past and I became comfortable with all the men around me. They all speak spanish. My spanish is amazingly still horrible. I ride a bicycle everywhere and so it is easy to come and go with a smile, a wave of the hand, a buenos dias and then I'm gone. The constant noise during the day does not bother me.
The last week - everything got quite. Quite like I have never seen here in Esterillos. No visitors, no regulars, no..... one. The skies were gray - somedays rain. I started staying home. Work was still going on all around me but I was home. I decided I was going to do a watercolor. I have never in my life done a painting. A couple years ago when I was in the states I bought watercolor paints, brushes, some paper. Then another time - because I couldn't remember just what I had, I bought more. So.....the day came last week when I finally dug all this out. My first painting looked like something a grade school child would do. The 2nd, a little more advanced but not much. My topic was my friend Cailin - my now 23 year old friend who went to Ecuador with me last year for 3 weeks, my young friend who's father - the person she loves most in life - is struggling for his life in a fight with a brain tumor. I finished the painting yesterday - took a photo and sent it to her. I hope it gives her a good laugh as I know she could use one.
But of all that has been going on - it is this blog that got launched as a result of this quite period. This one past week that allowed me to slow down from my normal crazy coming and going and pull this together. I am now excited about the possibilities......
Day before yesterday I told my friend Brett what I had been up to: Every morning taking the time to sit and enjoy my coffee, cooking - which I normally hate, cleaning - this is the largest amount of space I have had for over 4 years, DVD yoga - now twice, about 4 nights in a row watched a DVD movie (I do not have regular TV), reading books, and now painting. Hours downloading and putting together the blog. His comment was "Sounds like you are nesting". I smiled. He is right. I have now become accustomed to my new home and not only accustomed - but am seriously enjoying it.
I am now back in my comfort zone. I am in a holding pattern waiting for the sale of this house which may take forever considering the market. I am on a major budget but am fortunate that I can do this. I realize there are way worse things than living in your own house in a small fishing/surfing community in beautiful Costa Rica.
This is just another chapter in the on going amazing life I lead here in Esterillos. I realize how lucky I am and for all that I have - I am truly grateful.
Pura Vida
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