Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Summer Solstice - June 21, 2010

When I took these photos I e-mailed them with little explanation other than it was the day of Summer Solstice here in Esterillos Oeste. Because this was such an incredible evening I am now blogging it 4 months later.

Thank God I had my camera with me. As I walked down the beach it was a very subtle sunset as - in June - the sun still sets far in the west. Because we actually face South, the sun is not actually visible on our beach - it is behind the hills. It will not be until November that the sun will move out over the ocean and for about 3 months we will actually be able to see the sun go down and give us the gift of spectacular sunsets for a short period. But this was June and this evening was truly a gift.

The photos speak for themselves: The simple beauty of a quiet beach that evening, a child playing in the sand with his father close by, friends - both 2 legged and 4 enjoying the area we call "The grassy knoll", 3 surfers stopping by to talk about the waves, the rainbow visibly calling our attention to the wonder of this day, a more than half full moon smiling down upon us, the sun kicking up one last effort by lightening up the clouds in the East. Back at Soda Mary, the pleasure of good friends and great music.

Then to top all this off - something so amazing and special - and again - Thank God I had the camera - so unbelievable, no one would have believed me if I had not caught this on camera - a red-eyed tree frog. In all the 4 years I have lived in Esterillos Oeste, I have never once seen this spectacular frog - in this village - until that evening! As I was returning home - walking up my stairway - there on the banister was the frog. It was a bit dark and at first I did not realize exactly what it was but as I passed it - turned again to check it out and could not believe my eyes. As soon as I realized just what it was, I moved very slowly to get my camera out. I got as close as I dared and took a few photos. When I got to the top of the stairs I stopped to check the photos. Not as clear as I hoped and when I turned around to try again - he was gone. I got out a flashlight hoping to see him again, but.........no - he had let me take the photos and was now on his way.....

Quiet often I tell people something amazing happens to me every single day here in Costa Rica. Even after 4 years - I still stand by that. But, that evening was over the top, an evening I will always remember and cherish. Summer Solstice 2010.

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