Monday, November 1, 2010


I cannot remember even one time in my life missing Halloween.  Either it was me as a child running in a pack on an air force base from one house to another, parties, years with my sons looking for the perfect costume and then hitting the streets, more parties: work, church or school and often all of the above, and then.........more parties.  There has always been someplace to go, something that had to be worn - until today.  Actually, I have no excuse.  My most favorite band in CR was playing tonight - Chupacabres - at the Backyard in Hermosa.  My friend Brigitte had even invited me to go with her and Fred, but after the wedding party last night and then a continuation of the evening at Barlitto's where they were having a Halloween party with music so loud no one could possible talk - it was very late by the time I got home.

EO's Halloween party was actually last weekend at Azul's - local restaurant on the main road into town.  Prior to that I had gone to the Backyard with Fred and Bri to celebrate Bri's b-day with another friend who had the same b-day.  By the time we got back to EO, the Halloween party was in full swing.  Most gringo's were in costume.  We were not in costume since the "Backyard" party was for the b-day.  So...with my heels and short party dress I became the dancing queen. Awesome live band.  I danced so much I ended up with a blister the next day.

It was at the EO party, a guy dressed up in something like fatigues with a very gruesome mask came up to me.  He kinda nudged me like he knew me.  I had no idea who this was until I lifted up the mask.  Turned out to be someone never in my life would I have guessed.  Hymee - my Mardi Gras cowboy, who is actually very quite, kinda shy, young.  But there he was and amazingly one of the very few tico's in costume.  I shared my dinner with him and then he got to hit the floor with the dancing queen.

I'm trying to make my blogs shorter but am having a hard time.  Back to today - Halloween - with no costume and no energy to go anywhere.

Despite no traditional party it was a great day.  Check out the photos.  When I left this morning, I checked on my bananas which I now know are not true bananas but plantain.  Cooked in coconut oil - they are awesome!  Then I arrived at Roni and Sean's house.  They are going to Seattle for 2 weeks - leaving on Wed.  I told them I would make them a DVD before the left.  Took a photo of Roni's daughter with the puppies.  Then headed up the hill.  Talked Kristy into taking an afternoon walk with me.  Saw these beautiful dogs tied up near the Shake.  The large tree trunk has been on the reef for at least a month now.  Great photo op. On the way back had to snap a photo of the shipwreck.  This boat is a long sad story....but I will be brief.  In short - over 2 months ago a guy - 30ish bought this boat in Tamarindo - up the coast.  On the way to Panama the mast broke and he ended up on our reef - up the beach about 15 minutes.  An "expert" flew here from San Diego to help him get back in the water.  For days and weeks there were many discussions as to how that would happen.  The final decision was to drag her from that place to where this photo was taken.  So that is what they did - with the help of 3 tractors.  I did not see it - sooo wish I had.  They did manage to get her in front of Minor's house but only after ripping a few new holes in the hull and totally destroying this boat.  So there she is - sad, lonely and abandoned.

After the beach walk we headed back to Kristy's house.  While I was spending time on her internet, she was busy dealing with her house and possible renters. Me sitting in the rancho, looking at the pool with an amazing sunset in the works.  I started snapping photos as it just got better and better.  And then it was gone.

All I had to eat today was one banana with coffee for breakfast and a small bowl of oatmeal.  By 5ish I was starved so I headed back down the hill to El Vago's - way to late for Sunday chicharrones ( I took the photo of him cooking earlier that afternoon) but casado's are always on the menu.  A typical costa rican dish - chicken, rice, beens, salad.  Yum.  Brett was there smiling as he is my opponent in this weeks fantasy football.  He was the one I first played against and lost. Now I am on it and have won 4 games, lost 2, 1 tie.  Once again bets were placed.  Odds are I will be paying up tomorrow.  This is Brett - guess what the wager is???

So, here I am at home - no Halloween party.  However, just as I was finishing dinner at El Vago's - 3 children into the bar - in costumes.  El Vago had treats ready for them.  I talked them into a photo with Brett.  Margot wanted to be in the photo so there she is.

I miss the years when my sons were little.  Halloween was such a fun time.  How many times did my boys come home, dump the goods out onto the living room floor and automatically set aside the tootsie rolls and snack size Almond Joy bars just for me.  I had them so well trained......such wonderful times gone by.

It was a beautiful day - however - next year..... I will make time for a party!

Happy Halloween

(Thanks Kate for the photo of me and my cowboy)

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