Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1 Box of wine, 4 good friends - Breathtaking Sunset

At least 5 times prior, Kealy has invited me to join him and his wife Desirae up on the hill at their very own secret spot to watch the sun go down and share a glass of wine.  For a wide variety of reasons I had not been able to do that until last night.  Even then, when he asked me, I was considering the time and how I needed to get home to take a shower before going to another going away dinner party - but - something made me stop and reconsider.  Could have been because this day was the 2nd day in a row of beautiful weather with that hint of "dry" season in the air and I knew the sunset would be great.

Sure enough - it was perfect!  Cool breeze, sitting on a hillside that is literally in the jungle but high enough you can see the ocean and trees below you.  This is also grazing land for a herd of cattle who came by to see what we were up to.

Boxed wine - nothing like it.  Here in EO you can buy a box of wine for 2,000 colonies which is about $4.00.  Kealy and Desirae had just recently returned from the 90 day thing in Panama - Bocas Del Toro.  There they bought the same box of wine we drink here, but for $2.50  What a deal.  Because it was so cheap, they had brought back 4 boxes and this was the last one.  I felt very special to be sharing this box with them.

In the last few moments before the sun disappeared, Brett showed up.  Within a few more minutes it was getting dark so we needed to leave - however - the magic of the evening was just beginning.  You know that beautiful deep blue when the sky is clear - between sunset and moments before the dark.  I didn't realize it at the time we got there, but now..... looking up, we were sitting close to a very tall palm tree that was between us and the moon.  Suddenly the sky was full of bright moon light, the silhouette of the tree...... with Venus peeking thru the branches and sparkling like a diamond.  Within a few more minutes we were carefully hiking down the hill surrounded by lightening bugs.  Night time was upon us.

Such a simple unforgettable.

Thank you Kealy and Desirea!!!


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