Saturday, October 5, 2013

Where Has Pat Been?

Actually - I wasn't anywhere out of Esterillos, but the past 2 weekends were spent at Fred and Bri's house while Brooke and Craig were up at Arenal the first weekend with visiting friends, Chicago for 4 days attending a wedding this past weekend.

During that time a lot has been going on with La Sirena.  I am waiting till the current project is done before I do the blog.

These photos were taken while I was up at the house.  Obviously I had plenty of time and lots of visitors.  The majority of the wildlife action was in the huge tree behind the house.  First it was the macaws, then.....the monkeys came 2 different days.  The bat just showed up while I was having dinner one evening.  I did what I have done before - put a plastic bowl over it, carefully slide the lid under the bat, take it outside and tossed it so it could fly away.  Saw several of the black and green poison dart frogs and the motmot - I actually heard it before I saw it. The iguanas - a male and female playing catch me if you can were super high up in the big tree.

The main reason I was at the house was the dogs.  Brooke and Craig s' two Australian Shepards and Winston who belongs to Brigitte.  They all have a ton of energy so time was spend on the beach by day, then trying to keep Beau calm at night when at least 4 of the nights the storms were intense with lightening and thunder.  Beau slept as close as he could possible get, Niko - who is deaf....just wanted to play - numerous times during the night.

With all that was going on, the time flew and now I am back home.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a great day! Were all the fish Mackerel? Some looked different.