Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Adios Eric & Jeanna - For Now

I have known Eric and Jeanna since they moved here from Uvita, about 2 hours down the coast - I think that was back in 2008???  In the time they lived here in EO, Eric built two amazing houses.  They lived in both and now.....both are for sale.  They are returning to upstate New York.  They have family there and projects to do.

Altho I don't surf everyday - infact weeks go by... for years, Eric was a constant.  Even when no one else would be out......there he would be way out on the reef - a place he knows like the back of his hand.  Every single time I made the long paddle out - Eric would be the first to greet me with that huge smile of his.  If I had a question - he would gladly give me an answer.  When there was time to talk on the beach, he was easy to hang with.

In all these years, I never had them over to my house.  I went to several Halloween parties at his first house, made a trip with just him and Jeanna to take Christmas gifts to the orphanage in San Jose at least 4 years ago - an unforgettable experience.  I have sat in the ocean with Eric more hours than I can re-call.  We never had a long in-depth conversation but as I am now writing this I realize what a great friend he was.....and I will miss him!!  

Eric & Jeanna - I hope you know I wish you all the best.  May this new chapter in your life bring you joy and happiness and adventures never dreamed of.  I know I will see you again as EO is burned in your soul - like so many of us.  Till we meet again.........

Pura Vida
Sunday night Farewell...

Eric back in 2008 - Still looks the same :)

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