Sunday, October 20, 2013

Torneo de Pesca

Today was Esterillos Oeste's first ever fishing far as I know.  It was sponsored by Pura Vida Church - entry fee was 2,000 colones ($2.00).  I was told over 40 people signed up.  That alone tells me it was a success.

It began at 7 am - ended at 11 am.  By the time I got to the beach it was 9ish.  Low tide was about 9:45 which meant the fishermen would be way, way out on the reef.  Sure enough, they were - so I set out over the slippery dangerous rocks to take photos :) By luck I managed to get a photo of Dennis as he was coming in.  He had been out for about 20 minutes, told me this was his first time out and managed to catch the winning fish plus one more with the same bait on a hand line!!

Most of the local tico fishermen use hand lines.  What that is, is a spool of fishing line with a piece of bait on a hook with maybe a sinker that they toss out into the water.  I have sat and watched the locals fish more times than I can count.  It really is a thing of beauty.  Many years ago I met a much older tico man who taught me how to fish with a spool.  On our first time out I caught a fish - very small but I was thrilled! 

After about an hour out on the reef just watching, when I came back in... there was Desirae.  I wanted to show her what has been happening with La Sirena so we made the hike out to see her.  By the time we did that....a horn was blown to indicate the end of the tournament.  The winners were announced, food and drink on hand, caught fish were auctioned with proceeds going to our local school.

Such an awesome event, my guess is this will be held again sometime in the future :)

Pura Vida 







Needle Fish

Yep..Me - 2008

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