Tuesday, October 29, 2013

There's A New Man In Town

For as long as I have lived here and way before that.. was and still is a small herd of cattle that live on the open land across the street from where I live.  The herd consists of one bull, at least a dozen cows and a variety of younger ones that range from very young to 1 or 2 years old.  

The interesting part is how friendly they are.  I know for certain there are at least 2 females that love to be petted.  I have stood next to fence scratching the ears of one in particular.  She is darker in color, maybe because she is older - I have no idea - but she is kind and she knows me.

There are many families here that go way back, with a number of adults that were actually born right here in Esterillos Oeste.  The patriarch of the family that owns this herd of cattle is Carmen Leon.  I have no idea how old he is....but he looks very weathered.  I see him about once a week walking the fence line checking on his herd.  He always wears a cowboy hat, clean pressed shirt and slacks.  He gives me a huge smile when I go by.

For a number of years there has been one huge white bull....until recently.  I have no idea what happened to the big guy, but there is now a new man in town.

About a week ago I saw him for the first time - he is black and beautiful!  The herd was close to the fence so I stopped the check him out.  He gave me the eye, but wasn't concerned I was so close.  What I could see is how interested he was in the girls.  He will literally checking them out, actually smelling them.  This went on for about 10 minutes and then he settled in right up against one. He was very much in her personal space, as if claiming her...she didn't seem to notice - possibly playing hard to get :)

I love this little family of cattle that I have come to know pretty well thru the years.  Just one more reason why Esterillos is so special - my home.

Pura Vida

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