Friday, December 21, 2012

Taking a Vacation From Our Vacation

Beautiful Brigitte

Me & the Lovely Oscarina

Bri, Pat, Desirae, & Sheila

I have lived in Esterillos for over 6 years - however - everytime I venture out of my little town , even a beach as close as Punta Leona, I feel like I am on vacation.

Punta Leona is a private, gated "Tico" community about an hour up the coast.  This is a very exclusive area - most of the homes and property is owned by families from San Jose.  You have to know someone to get in! However - there is one public road that runs down the middle of the development - right up to the beach that anyone can travel and visit.  What makes this beach beyond beautiful is that the sand is white - unlike the dark volcanic sand we have here in Esterillos and most of the Pacific Coast.

Thursday morning, a small group of us decided to go on vacation to Punta Leona - Me, Sheila, Desirae, Brigitte and another "Pat from Jaco.  We took drinks and snacks with us, beach chairs and 3 dogs all in one small pick up truck.  The photos speak for themselves except maybe the ones at the end - the fossilized shells.  After Bri and I returned from a long walk up the beach, the other 3 went in search of these fossils.  I should have taken a photo of the huge pile Desirae found and took home with her.  The photos I have are the ones that are still embedded in the rocks.  Another wonder of Mother Nature :)

Pura Vida

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