Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Karen's Birthday Party

Two weeks ago was Karen's birthday.  Yes.....Once again I am very behind on the blog.  I had an unexpected guest for 4 days then 2 more arrived from CA - a former co-worker - Michael and his father Carlos who are still here.  There will definitely be a blog about all the fun we have been having but the big news was my computer decided to trash all my 7,000 something photos.  Thanks to my now new best friend Robby, he managed to get it up and running after a few days.  I am still a bit gun shy thinking I will lose everything again as being a computer in Costa Rica is not easy - the humidity, the elements, the fact I use it every single day and......she is old - 2009!

Anyway - these are just a few of the photos from the awesome party Sunny had at her place.  All girls - tons of fun.  

Pura Vida

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