Thursday, December 20, 2012

She's Back........

The very first day we found her
And her name shall be "Rio"

Waiting for me to go for a walk

Yesterday - El and the all grown up Rio

In August 2009, I was with my friend Eleanor and 2 other women friends way up in the mountains enjoying a Costa Rican Mother's Day luncheon when little Rio walked into my life.

At that moment her name was not Rio - that came later that day.  As we were eating, she sat there and politely watched.  She was obviously young and very thin.  Within a short time, we were all sharing lunch with her.  As we got close to being done, I looked at Eleanor and told her we could not leave this starving dog there.  El asked the people at the bar who she belonged to.  She was told no one, the dog just showed up looking for food.

Eleanor was dogless at the time, I was living in a cabina around the corner and to have a dog would be difficult - but despite that, we both made the decision we would co-own her and try to find her a home.

Looking back, it was a matter of maybe a day before Rio had us wrapped around her paws.  El had given her the name Rio which means river as that is where we found her.  She would spend part of the time with me, part with El.  We shared the expenses of getting her spayed and vaccinated, we both bought her toys and at each house she had a cozy bed.  

Up until that time, Eleanor's house was always spotless.  With Rio there, she would bring in branches, anything she could get her teeth on and tear it to pieces right there in the front room.  I was best at long walks with the beautiful Rio - infact - she insisted!  This went on for month and we both became very attached.  El's house became the primary residence the princess. day, while I was in Panama doing a visa run, an adoption clinic was being held in Jaco. Eleanor took Rio and in that one short morning she was adopted.  When I got back, El told me.  I was sad but knew she needed to have a home.  Eleanor needs to be in Canada for longer periods of time - I was in a cabina that really didn't allow dogs....and so she was gone to a loving home... or so we thought.

About a year later, Eleanor discovered that the nice home Rio was supposedly going to.......was not so nice. She was actually being used as a guard dog and lived most of her day on a short chain with no collar - at night she would be loose to run the property which was in an industrial area about 30 minutes from where we live.  One morning we actually went to see her.  There she was on the chain, no grass - just gravel - a small bowl of water.  We both wanted to scoop her up and bring her home but did not.

Eleanor was recently in Canada for 5 months - a requirement for her health benefits.  I have a house but have now decided to sell it and move on - to what??? - no idea - will figure that out when it happens. Anyway -just last week, Eleanor went to check on Rio for the 4th time in the almost 2 years she has been gone......and brought her home!

The moment I saw her, it was obvious she still knew me and was over the top happy to back in EO.  She is a little thin, has a hip issue but looks pretty good.  She is very vocal and has already taken over Eleanor's house and sofa :)

In 6 more month, El needs to return to Canada - I hope to be gone and so we are now looking for a new home - a great home for our dear Rio.  The new photos I took yesterday.  

So for now, Rio is our girl again and it is so fun just to be around her.  

Pura Vida

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