Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thursday Morning Surf Trip

One of my most favorite things is getting up at the break of dawn and heading out in search of surf. Thursday morning that's just what I did.

Playa Blanco was the destination - Me, Adam and Ozzie in the truck - Brett, Vago, Jr, and Samantha with Joe.

Surf was not phenominal but still fun.  I had my new tattoo filled in last week so I am still out of the water for another 2 weeks :( was fun just to sit on the beach and try to get a few good shots with my very limited range camera.  Was simply awesome to be there on a beautiful day in the presence of good friends - including the raccoon that stole the bananas out of my beach bag.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Erin said...

Patricia....we miss you! Love the new Tatoo...Chad was admiring it too. I am crossing my fingers for you to sell your house so you can come to Cali to she our home! Miss you!