Sunday, July 3, 2011

Birthday Gifts

Yesterday was my birthday.  I am still here at my friends' Fred and Bri's amazing home.  The sun comes up about 5:30.  The tropical birds are wildly greeting the day, the sun rays flooding the bedroom.  It is hard to sleep in past 6.  I had a very full day planned and I was on it.  My priority at this house is Mamados.  She loves the beach and with such a beautiful day before us, we immediately headed for the beach.  It was a glorious morning!

The day before as I began to think about what I wanted to do for my birthday, I decided I would invite my girlfriends up here to the house for breakfast.  After the morning walk with Mamados I gathered up my computer and went over the Debbie's to use her internet.  I told her what I had planned and as I was sending out the invite e-mail, she told me a "surprise" breakfast had already been planned at Sean and Roni's.  So much for surprises.....they did try!  So instead of having people up, I headed down the hill to my "surprise" party.  

Sean and Roni went all out.  Balloons, amazing food set up in their catering dishes, simply beautiful.  All my girls were there plus Ozzie whom I had personally invited simply because I love him so much.

Afterwards, Desirae and Debbie went with me to Jaco for my TATTOO appointment.  

Tattoos - I think anyone who will bother to read this knows I already have one.  It is on my right thigh - a scarlet macaw which symbolizes the dramatic change in the course of my life when I came to Costa Rica for the first time back in Sept. 2006.  I was here in Esterillos for 3 months.  That short period of time changed my life and the macaws which have such a presence here - was the inspiration for the tattoo.  Once I had it, I believed I would never have the need or desire for another.  

Well, life changes, we get older and other things come to mind that are significant.

From the photos you can see it is on my back.  Since I was a child I have been in awe of the moon and stars.  Nothing is more beautiful and wondrous than to be in the presence of a dark sky with the night full of glowing stars.  Cassiopeia is my favorite constellation.  

According to Greek mythology, Cassiopeia was a queen in Ethiopia.  Due to her vanity and some bad choices, upon her death she was placed among the stars by Poseidon where half of the year she is upside down.  To find her look in the northern sky.  The constellation consists of 5 stars which look like an upside down W - like an upside down crown.

Having a tattoo carved onto your body is a serious decision and very personal.  The timing and the choice of this particular decision was just that.

Yesterday was about getting the design on.  In a few weeks, after this has healed, the color will be added.  

Amazingly, the artist did the outline in less than an hour.  Afterwards we all went out for Margarita's.  Elizabeth and Emma showed up to join us.  A quick stop at the store before returning to Esterillos, we were on way home.  Still being my birthday, and me with a car (thank you, thank you Jeni) I decided to stop at a favorite place over looking our beautiful coast.  Neither Des or Debbie had been there before.  Another magical moment!

Spent some time on the beach when we got back, had dinner at Debbie's.  Just as we were finishing, the electricity went out.  It was a very dark night, no lights, black!  Thank goodness, no rain as we have been having a lot lately.  LowTide and Vago's were set up with candles.  I actually love it when it is like this.  More Happy Birthday hugs.  With no music, things wound down pretty early.

When I climbed into the beautiful canopy king size bed, everything still in darkness, sounds of the jungle behind me in full force, I was overwhelmed at the wondrous day I had.  Grateful I have lived this long - sad I had not seen my sons on this day.   Life is long, so many people come and go in our lives.  I have been blessed with great friends and wonderful children.  My health is good, I have all I need.  I am very, very grateful for all that I have.  

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  This is my quote on FaceBook - that I seldom use.....However, it is a quote I actually think about quite often.  It is significant to me.  May each of you live you life to the fullest.  Be grateful for all you have - time keeps on marching.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Erin said...

Precious Patricia! Wish I could have been there to celebrate this special day with you!! Love you!!