Sunday, July 17, 2011

4th of July

4th of July in Costa Rica - A huge holiday in the states - here.......Not!

Of course I am always aware of the holiday but seldom is there much of a celebration, especially here in Esterillos.  Jaco has huge fireworks but that is 20 minutes up the highway....not always a safe place to be late at night.

This year I got an e-mail informing my favorite band - The Chupacabres were playing at the Backyard in Hermosa.  I have been a Chupacabres fan for over 3 years now. They play classic rock and roll - my favorite.  Desirae's husband Kealy was off surfing in Pavonnes, Debbie was in town from Vail.  I made the decision we were going out for the 4th of July - The Backyard.

As always the Chupacabres are awesome.  At a break there were some fireworks, but not much.  The band had started early and so by 9ish they were winding down. Within 5 minutes of them ending.....sound came from outside.  Loud..... it sound like a marching band and that is what it was.  About 12 guys came walking into the center floor of the restaurant.  They were dressed in fine white cotton pants, shirts that were half green the other side, yellow.  All had blue sparkle hats on.  The music consisted solely of drums, brass, cymbals, and a whistle or two.  Loud does not even begin to describe the sound.  The rhythm was consuming.  With the group were 2 girls.  One in a glitter bikini dancing in front of the band.  The other dancing on a table. There was no way you could yell anything audiable to the person standing next to you.  Everyone and everything was in motion.

This went of for a solid hour!

I have no photos, but the memory of this 4th of July, so non traditional, will always be with me.  Just the simple thought of that night - still fills me with joy and thankfulness for the wonder of my life.

Pura Vida

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