Tuesday, July 26, 2011

David & Nita

Last week friends of Debbie - David & Nita,  arrived here from Austin.  Like many people who come to EO, I spend a little time with them and then all of a sudden we are now life long friends.  When I walked into Debbie's house and met them for the first time.....they already knew me. They are fans of my blog and so this is for them.

Often I am asked if I get bored in this little town.  I tell them there is no time to be bored.  There are people coming and going all the time.  New friends I am just meeting like David and Nita, many....many friends like Rick & Ginny who come for months at a time and then return to the states, and then.... there is always the core group - for better or worse....are always here.

As a result, there is always some one here who wants to do something fun and I am always about having fun.  The photos are just a few of the things my new friends - David, Nita and I did this past week.

Pura Vida

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