Thursday, July 21, 2011

Round um up Cowboy

Several weeks ago Pecas and her man escaped from the farm up on the hill they live on.  Pecas is a horse.  Her name means freckles of which she is covered with.  The old man is also a horse and belongs to the owner of the farm and is there to live the remaining years of his life.

My friend Karen has arrangements with the owner of Pecas to be able to ride her when Karen has time and so occassionally I will see her or her husband Andres riding around town.

On any particular day one can see horses loose in EO - that is one of the many reasons I so love living here.  The majority of the horses belong to one man who lives with Margarita's family.  There is also a mare and her young colt that also roam free that belong to Lara, a local tica.

Back to Pecas and the young stud.  Don't know how it happened but Pecas managed to escape from the fenced finca and was running with the colt.  The old man was with her, the other mare with her colt.

Karen heard they were loose and went to catch them.  Easier said than done.  Pecas was on fire and running with a handsome young man - she did not want to be caught. I was walking down the dirt road headed for the beach when I saw Karen with the old man.  He was being saddled up so Andres could go after Pecas.  Karen asked if I wanted to help try to catch her and of course I was in.

Obviously Andres did catch her altho it was not easy.  He had to go into the estuary where the crocodiles are, fortuntely no incident there.

The old man was happy to have his girl back.  Pecas is probably still dreaming about the morning she was running with her stud.

Just one more unexpected morning adventure in my beautiful EO

Pura Vida

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