Sunday, June 26, 2011

Return to Paradise

My friends Fred and Brigitte own one of the most beautiful houses in Esterillos.  In 2007 I  house sat this house for the month of April and then again mid June until the end of October of that year.   This was one of the most magical times of my life.  I was fairly new to Costa Rica and within one year of my having landed in Esterillos Oeste for my first time ever - there I was living in the most beautiful home of my life.  It was like a dream.

This week I have the privilege of being here again.  Next Saturday the family who will be here until October arrives from Seattle - or maybe it is Hawaii - can't remember.  Until then - she is all mine.

I moved in yesterday morning.  It was like coming back to a place so familiar - full of wonderful memories - home......

Mamados is the reason I am here.  She is the dog of the house.  A tico dog that found her way up this hill about 6 years ago.  She was smart enough to find Fred and Brigitte and won their love.  I met her my first month here in Esterillos back in Sept. 2006.  I have loved her since the day I met her.  I understand her and she trusts me.   We are bonded.

This morning I woke up in the super size king size bed.  Before the sun came up, I was aware of tropical birds of all sorts crying out to meet the new day.   Mamados was lying on her bed just below me.  I was aware of being happy before I even opened my eyes to see the sun rays coming in the open windows.  First thing I did was go down stairs, open all the doors, check the pool for frogs, crabs, anything that may have fallen in the pool.  Thank goodness - nothing.  Stripped and dove in......

As I said, the main reason I am here is Mamados.  She needs to be walked and that is my priority and so within the hour of getting up - off for the beach we headed.  This hill is the place I lived for 4 years before moving into the house I now live in.   As I was heading down the hill I realized this was the reason I used to be in such good shape.  A shape I have somewhat lost this past year........Something to work on.  A routine I had for 4 years, now somewhat altered because I now live in a different place - something else to work on.

The photos are of the house itself, the bedroom I sleep in, the views of the surrounding area including the jungle, mountains and ocean.  The walk is past my former cabina and the hill that kept me in shape, the beach, monkeys which I did see but did not take a photo of and of course my Mamados.

Pura Vida in My Paradise

1 comment:

justmarty said...

is the room open for me and the boys? Four years ago Sept.3rd we were there with you. Hope you are well and I have to check this every now and again to make sure you are ALIVE!!!!!

marty and the boys