Saturday, August 13, 2011

Granada - Again

The past 90 days flew......Once again it was time to do the visa run and no one was in town to go with - So I did exactly what I did the last time - hopped the 7:30 am bus that comes right into EO, rode the 3 hours over the mountains to Jaco - grabbed lunch in the city and the took the commercial Tica Bus to Granada.  Arrived about 8 pm. Stayed in the same hotel, went back to some of my favorite restaurants.  On my last morning I went in search of Manuel.  Manuel is a young man I met the very first time I went to Granada back in 2007.  He drives a carriage that takes people on tours of the city - anywhere they want to go.  It didn't take long to find him and he did remember me as I have seen him several times since that first trip.  I made arrangements  to meet him about 4ish to go on a tour.

Since it was just me by myself I asked if I could sit next to him and get caught up on his life.  Of course he said yes and off we went.  The photos show much of the trip. Afterwards I enjoyed a pizza at a sidewalk cafe in sight of a spectacular sunset.  By that time it was getting late and I could hear the "soul train" driving thru the plaza.  The soul train - as I named it back in 2007 - is actually a very colorful, decorated tractor that pulls several carts with benches.  My guess is it holds about 40 people.  The music is of course latin and over the top loud and this is how it rocks thru town, around the plaza, down to the lake and back.  The fun is contagious as everyone waves when you pass.  Tons of fun - in much fun - I did it twice for about 50 cents per trip.

Love Granada - One of my most favorite 90 day get aways.

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